Wednesday, January 30, 2013

drought solved---cloud seeding....

It rained a little yesterday and all anybody can say around here is:"oh, well we're thankful for those clouds rolling in and what little bit of rain we did get..BUT it isn't enough."

While sitting in the cafe at noon during the rain, i saw this guy who is from my hometown walk into the cafe set down a table ahead of our table and he started talking about cloud seeding...He owns a plane and i think a couple of years back when we had a dry spell in the weather--he and a few scientists from NOAA experimented with cloud seeding from his plane or some other pilot he's friends with....But anyhow it worked...i do remember that...

they fly up above healthy clouds and put water crystals in them of some type...I do plan on researching that more as i really find it fascinating and cool at the same time...I believe it would be a great thing to try once again for the state of Oklahoma and other states affected by the drought...we gotta try something, and it worked once before, so why not try again???....otherwise we will run out of water and turn into a freaking desert can't farm, grow crops,have animals,or have water...can't do anything without water.

i don't think it's tampering with nature.....i think it's helping it along....everything is drying up and we don't need another dust bowl #76654283849 for the zillionth time!!!...i really hope someone looks into that seriously, as they must be i'm hoping *fingers crossed* with that local pilot talking with his other weather/scientist pilot friends about it here in Oklahoma....i don't know where they get the funding for that,but at this point i'm sure they could make a lot of money just from donations, everyone is sooooo desperate for rain.

i love science and nature weather's interesting to me..guess that's the nerd side of my should be working at NOAA not being a cowgirl. ;)

here's how it works in this diagram i found.

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