Sunday, March 3, 2013


Super tired.

This weekend has been busy with the Aunts shopping for things to take on the upcoming vacation.

Even though, i am tired-i can't hide the fact that i am sooooooo EXCITED to be finally taking a vacation!!!....buying & planning for it already to be secure ahead of time, and packed when we leave....i'm such a nerd that i have even written a list of items and a checklist so i will be sure to get everything....haha....

you know me--i'm a total planner and a

i do believe it's good for a person to get away from your same ol same ol..ya know?.....being around the same area of home all the time will wear on your soul....just to go somewhere that nobody you know will bother you and you won't have to see people that annoy the hell out of you from your hometown is just....aaahhhh...relief.

I really do deserve a trip away from here...faaaaaaar aaaaaaaway....LOL.

bought socks,thermal underwear,jeans,leggings, a new glittery pink sweater*on sale* yay!

That's just a few things to add to my other clothing-related items.

I have toothpaste,toothbrush*new one!*,soap items,deodorant,Dramamine,Tylenol, so far...i'm sure i will think of some other stuff before the 15th....

very windy right windy...great hair day.


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