Thursday, January 9, 2014

be nice girls....

my favorite song lately....

Haven't been able to log into my blog for rhymes....yes I am a nerd...

I think something that has really been bothering me lately is how quickly girls you don't even know can be super jealous of you over the STUPIDEST things....or even hate you...why??!!!!

As my brother once told me:"Anytime you get a bunch of women together they will cat fight and be jealous of each other." and he has been right about all that!.....It's always women being jealous and judging each other or eyerolling behind your back.....when they don't even know you....

I know some me, they will tell you how all that goes...Haha...

I just don't get that....I've never been jealous of anyone or been snobby.....there's no need to be so tacky to people when life is so short...and especially judge someone you haven't ever met in your life because of what they do or don't do, or have or don't have...If someone doesn't have whatever or does have whatever...I don't care...oh, big woo who cares...

People need to base their opinions of someone on how they are as a person INSIDE not what they have or don't have or look like or don't look like.....BUT keep those opinions to yourself!!! nobody wants to hear all that nagging and bitching hoo!

I wish all girls would be kinder to one another and stop giving all us other girls a bad name....when some of us(like me) are not that way at's so easy to make great friends with guys..they don't bitch and moan all the time and nag about everyone and everything...I can't stand that crap from people...

throw a smile on your face and keep your mouth shut if you have nothing good to say about's that easy.

on a happier note I think I finally kicked my walking pneumonia to the curb...after I got the flu CHRISTMAS EVE...that was "lovely"*sarcastic face*


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