Thursday, April 3, 2014

stand up for who you love....

Sometimes it's tough to believe in yourself to do the right thing....when it seems you are standing alone...but you should always realize that it's usually not just you in any situation.....because lots of people put up with the same problems and get angry and tired of the same things...

I think people should always stand up for what they believe in and not care if they are standing alone...because as soon as you make that first step to stand up for what you believe in or what you are tired of or what someone is trying to annoy you with or any bad habits you may wanna kick to the'll always find that when you stand up you're never alone....

because a million other people all go through the same thing and the same habits or the same addictions or feelings....sure it's scary at first but you should NEVER be afraid to stand up for yourself and people you can always save someone's life or your life when you stand up for what you feel needs to be done to make a good change...for your own life..or family and friends....or even people you don't know..

I think you should NEVER take anything less than what you deserve and that is what I'm talking about is never harming yourself or someone you should never let the people you love in your life family and friends ever be taken away from you by addictions or by the harm of other people....because once you stand up for their lives and your own life you'll find that there are millions of other people who want to help because they are going through the same thing....

it's important to know that you should NEVER be scared to save someone's life or your own life from an addiction or something that could harm them...

if you are bored with life you should always try to help people and help save people from all the bad influential people and things in their life and save your own life too from drugs or things that may harm them...when you love family and friends you wanna save them and keep them away from all that bad yucky stuff because you want them in your life..(I love you friends and family you know who you are!!!)

so ALWAYS stand up for yourself and the people you love because that day can be the day you save their lives and your own.

nite nite.

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