Sunday, August 2, 2015

better your life !......

Forget the past and always look to the future.

Forget mistakes you have made and just become a better person to make the world a good safe place and also to make sure your loved ones are safer and happier....and you will be happier.

Everybody has made stupid, upsetting mistakes in life and you can always change to make better choices and work toward the good side in life.....

I never judge people for their past or bad mistakes they have made...I don't live their lives or what they have been through...but I know people need to be good and turn toward the better.

Making better choices for yourself will make you become a  much better person...I think a person should always try everyday to achieve something good and wonderful for themselves, their loved ones and the world....always good things!

each individual person who wants to make good choices and achieve the right and good things for the world all help to make the world safer and much better....everytime they want to change for the better.

even though many people make wrong choices, take the wrong paths in life it is ok to be upset about it...but you must move forward and forget the past you have went through...just always try to think better thoughts for the good of yourself, everyone and the world...

we only have one planet to dwell on and we must always continually work toward making it safer and happier eliminating all bad and evil things that ruin our lives and cause upsets.

each person in the world matters and when we all work toward these wonderful goals, thoughts, feelings, ideas, and just making good choices in our daily lives everyday we improve our planet and our lives...the well being of everything!...

and we must always want to make our planet, countries, our states, cities, towns much safer, much cleaner, and much more happier...we must forget the past and make good changes to improve and move forward not go back to the bad....

changes in life can be scarey sometimes...but it is always good to make good changes to make things in life and our planet much better....for the good of the whole world!

ridding our lives of bad things and upsetting things is a good place to start.

finding something good that you enjoy working toward that will create good and better the world is always a right thing to try to achieve....

I keep The Lord and Jesus with me everyday by reading and studying my Bible on sundays, so I can learn from those teachings and learn to make those good choices daily for myself, my loved ones, and the world by learning from Jesus....and by attending church.....


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