Sunday, January 24, 2016

they wanted $500....

I was cleaning outside yesterday in the yard behind the house and a vehicle was flying up the road very fast, dust was everywhere and it drove into the driveway very fast....2 men were in the vehicle and they yelled for me to pay attention to them...I just stood where I was, and they yelled: " Hey! Do you have any work I can do here for $500?!" they looked messed up, and they were spooky! (always some BS)..*eyeroll*
I said: " NO." I looked at them for a minute and the other man in the vehicle said hatefully: " We need $500, we need to work on something you need help with your barn?!" I said: " NO." I was very nice and I just walked to the door and went in, they set there in the vehicle a minute or 2 and talked on their cellphones and then left...

it made me very angry! drive through the driveway and get hateful with me!, Oh it made me mad! I don't even know these idiots!...I'm so damn tired of this sh*t..
These hillbillies have been pulling into the driveway for years like that everywhere near here, harassing my family for work, they also recently went to my Grandma's house and scared her also....I just do not like that, and I think something terrible is going on with these people...they probably know my hillbilly kinfolks....more idiots.
I think there is more going on with these people than what you see before you when they drive in your driveway like that....I can tell by the way they were acting they were very messed up and were up to no good.....
they always want money and I think everytime they have stopped and asked to work on something ---why don't they go to work for a company or find a better job elsewhere?, instead of harassing and terrifying people on their own property?!
I think it is very sad that I cannot even have peace in the backyard all my life...*eyeroll*....people just never want to leave people alone sometimes it seems......always some jacked up/messed up hillbilly prowling around wanting money for drugs or whatever the nasty hell else they can find, being nosey, or trying to harass someone!'s true.
they all need to be loaded up in a vehicle, taken somewhere else to go harass someone else...go harass someone who is annoying just like them!....haha!....let them put up with their BS....hell, they'd probably like it!.....I know that I damn sure don't!....


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