Wednesday, February 15, 2017

get it together.....

Every area of life needs to be orderly, maintained, well kept up, organized, clean, tidy, run very professional....list goes on and on....

Things in life need to be tended to, this is very serious, with everything in life, because if things are not working properly, managed, secure, watched over, things can become messy, and that can be dangerous!!!

 ONLY good minded, well, trained people need access or control/power, of use of any dangerous equipment...or anything ! 

Things get out of control easily with untrained, not well, evil people trying to gain access to power, dangerous work equipment, they have ulterior motives to gain access to devices that may cause harm or disarray!!!...

Next thing is, people need to be professional about work occupations, be well managed, trained, and try to put forth the effort to work well, be clean, nice on the work force...create goodness, and be outgoing, work to clean things up everywhere, no matter the work occupation...

People need to step it up, stop whining about everything....accomplish something that makes a good difference in the world!!! Stop being cry babies about everything! Yeah the world is cruel to everyone, but get up and go on, stop blaming everyone and crying/whining around everywhere because of your OWN mistakes! Nobody to blame but yourself, and/or your cronies! Truth hurts.

Being clean, tidy, well, at work is best to accomplish something and be done with it! 

Having a good work ethic, staying busy with working on something, helps to keep things running better to achieve goals, and completely finish tasks....

Teamwork is needed when working with others, all being able to get along well, understand one another, show respect to one another, no belittling, jealousy, running their mouth off at others, and no fighting! Nobody wishes to hear all that BS! Grow the hell up and go on....whiny, cry baby trash needs to stop! embarrassing and annoying people and their BS..sick of it!!! Be well managed, organized, bring all good ideas to the group...Work together to achieve goodness, finish all tasks....get together, shut up, stop whining, and get it all done!

Be responsible for your own actions, and behavior, behave as an adult should, all nastiness needs to stop!...perverts, weirdos, need to go! No time for clowns and the clown act, clean up, or get the hell out of here!!! 

Every aspect of life needs to be run by people who care, wish to keep thing running correctly, proper, and safely, we don't need messed up, drug--addicted, evil, jealous, greedy/money obsessed, nasty trash running ANYTHING.....get rid of them!...too dangerous to let this go on!

Behave! Have some manners, being a lady, being a gentleman, being clean minded, step it up! Be professional and outstanding in all areas of your life! We don't have time for bratty adult behavior or nastiness!  So many terrible things in the world need to end, and need help to end them! We don't have time for stupid clown cry baby behaviors....

Trashy behavior is unacceptable ! When people behave as trash, even though they may have riches, they are still trash! Don't wish to ever see them or have to meet them....snobs all think they are better than most when they have riches, then go around behaving disgustingly/improper....don't care who you are, still nasty trash to me! Get out of my face.

Do you know how embarrassing it is to see and hear of so much stupidity, nasty behavior going on in too many public agencies, offices, places of business, places of power??!....annoying, bratty, stupid people.....pathetic....Lord, help us all !

For too many years things have been messed up, people have been messed up, don't give a care about themselves, or anything! is time to change all ever be able to clean anything up totally it takes a lot of people who wish to be professional, they all need to be well...

Get it together. 

Be professional and try to be better for not just yourself, but for your loved ones, and the world, to create good changes, and create goodness continually!


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