Wednesday, March 1, 2017

out at night.....

I forget how twinkling and beautiful the lights are on the store fronts,  in towns and cities at night !

It has been many years since I have been able to go to town at night, and see the sights and sounds...I never am able to go out at night because of danger, and we all need to be aware of those dangers...being out at night it can be difficult to see your surroundings and drive...

I cannot see the night sky above because of all the lights in the towns/cities....but when at home I see the zillions of beautiful stars above, that way, I can drive underneath the stars ! and still see them...until I am in a town...

We all need to feel safe / be safe at night travelling, or being in town....I think these are good ways to help with safety.

--- charge cellphones, take chargers
--- know your surroundings, where you are
--- pre - determine travel routes, streets for driving
--- always take with you many responsible adults
--- children need to always be supervised
--- pre - plan all night events before leaving with others
--- take plenty of money with you for events
--- plan fun, clean, safe, good events to attend 
--- events that I think are fun / games, skating, bowling, a show, a date, music instrumental, theatre performance, laser tag...keep pets at home.

--- drive safely, responsibly, no alcohol
--- before leaving for night events, make very sure your vehicle is in good proper working order, all lights work, tires are aired, etc...
--- park vehicle in well lighted areas, for safety
--- secure all vehicles, lock always while unattended.
--- know where your vehicle / house keys are at all times, keep secure in purse zipped pockets, on lanyards attached secure around neck, interior jeans pocket...very serious, if lost keys, you are in trouble !!! Yikes !

--- keep awake while driving
--- enjoy dinner, pizza, hamburgers, fries, popcorn etc....
--- laugh and enjoy the night with friends / family....this is most of all important, create good memories.

Don't wear your pajamas to Wal-Mart shopping !!! ....unless it is 2 am or later !!!....hahaha ! Don't forget to wear might need to go enjoy the pancakes at waffle house or I laugh !


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