Saturday, September 2, 2017

Another day of b.s....

Well, went to see my grandma at nursing home today, she has been having crying spells about my grandpa, then talking crazily to that stupid baby's picture.........she had been having upsetting dreams about my grandpa, I guess good ol hacking through the bedroom window again, maybe s ?.......he admitted to it.

I think s, is hacking with his equipment causing turmoil within family at home, and harassing us all, causing fights.....makes up lies stories about my buddy Megan.....upsets me.

Every time he screams at me in my mind on surveillance, my cats start vomiting heaving, peeing meowing at the ceiling......peeing near doors, bathroom sink......maybe old surveillance, that he's hacking in my home ?

My Rocky cat has a swelled cheek, and is drooling, I can't figure out if it is an infection or what.....guess another vet bill......

Misinformation, lies, causing me troubles everywhere I go it seems, screaming in my brain while working, driving, at town......screams about OkCity constantly, you kill everyone bitch !

Talks non stop about drugs, sex, whores, needs his head cleaned off ! I am a lady and all that nasty crap is enough to drive me crazy and tired I have had to listen to the nastiness from him for 5 years now every damn day now every second !!!......then before that I had to hear all the trailer trash at school + nasty trash family sex stories and vulgarity.....

Keeps talking about Ian t.....don't know him......tells me they are all going to kill me......make a whore out of me......yeah right trash ! I have never even slept with anyone !.......offensive stupid b.s.....

Said people following me at stores and staring at me are trying to traffic me and sell me drugs and government is doing this to catch me.......haha......heaviest drugs I take are benadryl + go ahead dumb asses !......I giggle and I also am very angry over this constant idiotic shit !........hillbilly trash yee haw !

I guess OkCity and the big trash wheels up there are mad as all get out !......screaming at me about money, whores Japanese whores,  I don't know what to do to stop this clown act behavior !

I think someone is very corrupt, stupid, idiotic and unprofessional.......clowns, every damn one of them.....they need to be gone from the world.....too much fug and too much drugs still harassing, following me, taking my picture.....

Once again I need help, just to inform you of the clown show b.s.....sorry to bother you as always...

Just no rest for me, stress on me and my family, pets, surveillance needs turned off, or down low, feel as I may pass out scared about my health sort of......

Can't sleep still, I hear tunnel driving down my road when cars drive through....stevie, needs severe rehab, counseling, mental health, something, he needs moved to get help, and to leave me alone, I feel faint much of the time he talks to me every second, every hour, everyday.

If stevie has to talk to me, please monitor it, turn him off and down half days or something......tell him to only tell me necessary information and the truth......I am very tired, I keep battling on, but I am overexhausted, need knowledge, sleep, truth.

He needs his ol crooked equipment taken from him, and he needs medical help.

Good Lord, help us all.

Love, julie

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