Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Presents, being thoughtful, at holidays....

Purchasing a present / gift for those you know, love, adore is always very thoughtful this time of year !

Christmas holiday is a time for togetherness, celebrating, exchanging gifts, in honor of Jesus Christ birthday ! A world ginormous birthday party !  :)

Thinking of the perfect gift for our loved ones, can be challenging, but just remember, it is a gift to show we think of, love, care for those people...

A present / gift doesn't have to be pricey, name brand, well known label, it can be any price, any store, anything they would enjoy, anything affordable....

It doesn't matter where a present is purchased, simple store or more less cost.......never be snobby about a present you are given from another, say thank you....!

Purchasing gifts for children, you know less pricey, more affordable, children just usually happy to be given presents, clothing, shoes, plush animals, board games, music + players, mini toys, some ideas there......

Gift giving to those you don't know, as in the Angel tree + toy drives, purchase as you think you would enjoy as that child on the gift wish list, wishes for.....

Silly Santa gifts are those fun, random, cheap gifts you purchase take to Christmas parties, number on paper and draw from bowl, choose small silly Santa gifts, choose something childish, silly, purchase something for $ 1 / throw it in Christmas bag, small.........have fun, laugh ! Nothing nasty !

Gifts are for everyone. Don't matter the cost, where it came from, what store, what brand / label.......Thinking of others matters, show we care at this time of year, and always !


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