Friday, January 19, 2018

Be a lady, Be a gentleman !.....

We should all learn, know to behave properly at all times.

Sure, I know we enjoy being rowdy, out of control, loud, chaotic, but we must learn proper behavior, the filthy behavior, pervert ways, thought, ideas with ill intentions need to be destroyed from our minds, thoughts, lives.....this can lead to problems, marital woes, attacks, rapes, assaults......

Dressing properly as we know we should, no part of our body showing provocatively, this shows only as nastiness to others.....I know on very hot weather days we need tank tops, no arms in clothing, but we don't need all the flop up top uncovered !!! Lol !

Droopy drawers, low slung pants falling off, come on now !!! This looks ragged, lazy, people think you're losing your pants !......haha.....these are not needed....

Perverse language, watching someone and talking nasty about them to others, is creepy filth......reaching out and touching others body perversely you don't know, is never ok !.....gross.

Wearing too much makeup, you are beautiful without massive amounts of makeup ! Beautiful without so much on your face ! Wear for special events minimal is best !

We need to bathe, wash, every day we can, or few days we can, hygiene, respect your body mentally + physically...

Respect yourself, learn to know you are beautiful, Be of goodness, beautiful heart most important, adore this !.........Never think you have to be of filth, or bad to matter to others, never disrespect your body with bed hopping, and prostitution, know you deserve better than allowing that to go on with / respect !

Be kind to all you know, just meet, those you have in your life, Be kind, love, respect, say hello kindly, hold open doors for everyone in stores when they are carrying many items.....

Say Thank you, Say please ?, Say Hello, Be kind, cheerful, show class !

Never be jealous, Never be evil, Never devastate another's happiness and life, Be happy for them, celebrate their blessings !

Everyday try to show class, manners, behave as ladies, behave as gents !!!

Take wonderful care of you pet family ! Show them respect, love / adore these blessings.

Save someone's day by being kind, helping with goodness, cleanliness, respect......compliment others, cheer them up with a smile, hello, silliness !

If you have behaved wrong in your life, you can start over New right now, Never give up on changing your life for the better.....

There is just too much perversion in the world that is nasty filth, causes more chaos, upsets, needs to stop, when we make a stand to behave better, we help change this, stop the evil, filth......bring only goodness.

We need to laugh, Be silly more, the world has been too depressing nasty too many centuries....

The world needs more ladies and gents, showing they can behave, change the world together.

Being a lady, being a gentleman, doesn't mean you have to stop being silly, eating candy, and laughing, that's just fine !!!  :p

Be classy !


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