Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Cactus ! Ouch !........found

This evening I have found a frog swimming in my dog's water bowl ! Just cooling it, going for a swim ! Haha ! I found five frogs burrowed underneath the earth, under the water bowl, hibernating, and a baby salamander near ! I thought it was a snake ! Yikes ! They must be friends.....

I find frogs to be happy, hopping everywhere, I think they are very cutesy ! I have some frog sticker sets, I found frog figurines, to decorate with affordable, and I love the frog print fabric.......plush frogs are also available ! Some people eat frogs legs !!! Oh no ! Icky TERRIBLE ! Gross. Nasty, these are for being friends, all varieties are unique, beautiful........they are nice for dwelling interior the gardens, flower beds, they eat nasty pests / insects ! Helpful, salamander helps too ! Cute ! 

We call the salamander the water dogs, black + yellow very cute ! Poisonous, NEVER ingest salamanders, these are only friends too ! They know turtles, frogs, clean up pests / insects ! Helpful. 

I have been thinking about cactus, I planted a wild cactus interior my yard, it grew fairly well, then was destroyed by prowlers, interior my yard !!! Trashy idiots !!! It was a nice cactus, upset me, it grew yellow flowers, and magenta pink flowers.........then I purchased a few mini cactus, in mini planters, several varieties of these, set interior windows up above where the pets + kids CANNOT reach ! Sharp remember !!! Ouch ! They call these ornamental cacti.....cute I think......minimal water, purchase several very affordable, Wal-Mart, online stores, nice !

I see many cactus prints out there, I have a few pairs of clothing with cactus print, I have cactus sticker sets,  I found notebooks / stationary, various stores, the cactus print fabric is very southwest looking.....vistas too ! Nice ! Colorful.....

Cactus are very desert + always southwest culture, if I see them I always enjoy looking at them.....


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