Thursday, April 4, 2019

Snacks at all dollar stores !!!!...

It is almost near summer time in a few months and that means various events to attend, take their place, outdoors, just as I mentioned yesterday baseball games, derby meets,  soccer, rodeo, bible school, summer camp, travel, going to the pool !!!!!

Quick paper sack lunches, and lunch pails are ALWAYS a must have !!!! Building them AFFORDABLE is what we ALL wish for, IF you have grand size family, groups, friends attending it can cost extra, so I always shop the dollar stores first for AFFORDABLE quick snack lunch pail / paper bag lunches / meals.....

Living interior or nearby a rural area, it may take extra fuel to travel to find lunch / snack items, so I always drive locally to the local grocery and / or the dollar general, family dollar, dollar tree if possible, closer, more affordable saves on fuel costs, and travel time......purchase these snack items in advance a few days before events !!!

Dollar stores are a blessing when living in isolated rural small - town areas !!!! I generally buy most snacks there......most sizes / quantity available, mini sizes, fast refuel !!!!

These items you can find affordable + quickly at close to you family dollar, dollar general, dollar tree !!!!!

-- ALL candy
-- candy bars
-- gummys and fruit snacks
-- jello cups
-- pudding cups
-- most beef jerky
-- pop corn
-- nuts
-- trail mix, most
-- twizzlers
-- chocolate
-- chips, most, mini sizes also available
-- cookies, most variety and minis
-- sodas, variety
-- bottle waters
-- fruit roll ups
-- juices, most ALL
-- Gatorade + Powerade
-- popsicles + ices
-- pretzels
-- dried fruit
-- cupcakes / most pastries, boxes, or singles
-- snowballs / colorful, coconut cupcake, choco
-- pickles, ALL
-- olives
-- loaf bread, hamburger buns, hot dog buns
-- milk
-- eggs
-- cheese
-- meats, for sandwiches, ALL condiments
-- ALL baking mixes, items needed
-- cheese sticks
-- olives, most
-- canned fruit

These are just a few PLENTY brands at these local dollar stores, it's nice to just stop by and quickly find EVERYTHING needed for quick lunch sack, lunch pail lunches prep for many a few or just yourself !!!!

I enjoy the mini sizes quantity for quick lunch sack prep, or IF for grand size groups, use larger quantity, place in individual plastic bags / zip lock style, then into each lunch sack !!!! Clean, organized, keep in refrigerator before taking along the next morning to events or work......

Hope this is helpful to those who don't know of what is available at local dollar stores.....


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