Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Kittens + cats !!! Adoption !!! Pet parties !!!

Cats and kittens are wonderful pets !!! I have had several during my life and they are blessings !!!  When you adopt a pet into your life, it changes your life forever, for the better !!! Life will NEVER be the same after you adopt ANY pet !!!! More silly, more fun, more exciting, less boring, not so alone with life, not so scared by yourself at home !!!! Haha !!!

Kittens + cats are PLENTY, PLENTY, PLENTY !!!! All color hues of their fur are BEAUTIFUL !!! Various color hues, markings, different cats + kittens ALL for us to adopt needing furever homes !!!! 

Sadly I know too often kittens + cats are found starving, in abusive homes, malnourished, homeless, sickened, and maybe missing eyes, blind, missing limbs, tails, or ears, maybe born without a tail as the Manx cat !!!! ALL beautiful with deformities or missing appendages !!!! Makes NO difference IF missing any part of the body we know they are BEAUTIFUL and need extra special care !!! I have had several rescue kittens, cats throughout my life I have found and rescued !!!! Maybe barn cats ???? Take to local veterinarians IF you can catch them, when you wish to adopt !!!!

Approach with caution ANY strays !!! Use gloves, eye goggles, feed first, see IF docile, then place interior kennel !!! Go on take to veterinarian or local animals humane society !!! IF you wish to adopt, keep the cat tell them so, inform them you wish to keep or adopt the cat / kitten !!!

I know that kittens can be several of a litter born to one mother cat !!! Oh, I have seen the crazy litters numbers and become quite excited at ALL of the cutie pie baby kittens !!! Aww !!! So sweet !!! There are several kittens each litter and you may wish to raise on kitten formula with tiny kitten bottles OR ???? Let mother raise then take and ween on kitten chow !!!! Life will NEVER be the same again !!!!

IF we find ANY stray kittens or cats injured, mangled or in pain DO NOT approach ALERT proper animal welfare authorities !!!! Very upsetting !!!! BUT we MUST HELP our animal pet friends !!!!

When we know that kittens + cats are BEST living interior our homes with us ONLY, we know we MUST HAVE LITTER BOXES !!!!! It is easy to train cats + kittens to bathroom interior litter box !!! Kittens need half step small litter pans !!! Hahaha !!! Aww !!!! Kittens very silly, cutie, innocent playful !!! Entertaining !!! Aww !!!

---- just gently take their front paws and gently help them scratch their front paws interior the litter box !!! May take several tries but it will work my dears !!!!   ;)

Kittens + cats need to be evaluated by a veterinarian, cleaned of worms, neutered + spayed, eye diseases, ANY infections !!!! Flea and tick treatment or live treatment as well !!!! Kittens at certain age may qualify to have front toe nails removed because of SAFETY concerns, no eye slapping, fighting, scratching us or home items !!!!

They are so cutie ALL of them !!! PLENTY need to be adopted, rescued, help them !!! Many may be wild and need to be trained to be near humans first IF so ???? Inquire about the proper timing to adopt these darlings !!!! They NEED TO LIVE IN THE HOME with us !!! ONLY way to KEEP THEM SAFE !!!! Often they may run out the doors and escape so ALWAYS WATCH them as you open the doors happened to me several times as others opened the door, left it open and one of my cats escaped ran up a tree !!!!! Just advice on pet care / ownership !!!!

Adopting several cats at once or KITTENS at once can be quite overwhelming at first so you need to adopt them as you can adjust to your new home life with these sweeties !!! Kittens raised together NO problem !!!! But the older cats may take time to adjust learn of each other, so slowly build your cat family but the kittens NO problem raising several together !!!! I have !!!! Oh, it was a hoot !!!! Extra care you know and time + patience !!! Your family !!!!

Calling the local pet shelters, humane society to inquire of the pets for adoption is ALWAYS EXCITING !!!! Browse in the internet at local cattery, pet finders, or ANYTHING SAFE, call, contact INQUIRE IF you wish to choose a look for ANY pets online !!! If suspicious on the internet ALERT proper authorities this way we can clean up more of the animal cruelty and abuse more so quickly together and SAVE LIVES, make a difference in this world of ONLY GOODNESS !!!! Take along family, friends, children to choose and adopt ANY pet you may wish to inquire about !!!! REMEMBER ANY pet with not so pretty face or look to them MUST BE adopted as well !!!! They are ALL unique and beautiful darlings !!!! Aww !!! Looks DO NOT matter, same as people, looks are NOT important !!!! ALL beautiful to me !!!!!

These items NEEDED for cats and kittens !!!!

-- litter and mats, scoops, waste bags
-- pet food storage bins with snap lids
-- formula milk replacer for new babies !!!
-- kitten bottles IF needed
-- water trays, feed bowls, ALL variety
-- collars, plain, flea tick buy several !!!
-- pet bedding
-- cat, kitten toys, love cat dangle toys
-- kennels, one for each cat needed !!!
-- hairball gel
-- kitten chow dry, and regular cat chow dry
-- cat and kitten canned foods
-- brushes
-- play houses, to romp and hide !!!
-- shampoos, and bathing tubs
-- flea and tick shampoos BEST.


For fun, to celebrate adopting your pets ANY pet you adopt you may wish to invite friends / family over to the home and decorate cutely for a Pet adoption OR ??? IF you know their birthday, have a BIRTHDAY PARTY for your pets !!! Oh, this is FUN !!!!

You may need these items for a Pet adoption welcoming party, birthday party celebration !!!!

-- party decorations
-- pet hats + costumes
-- pet foods, treats to celebrate with
-- pet gifts to give the pet
-- create cutie pie cake for you and other humans !!!
-- play with pets toy and games, ALL can play !!!
-- invite other pets over ONLY if can co short !!! NO fights.
-- take PLENTY of pictures !!! For scrapbook !!!
-- sing happy birthday or a sweet song at the party.
PLENTY other items for us to purchase and admire, celebrate the cats and kittens with !!!! ALL fur colors, unique and cutesy !!!

-- jewelry
-- fabric prints
-- clothing, shoes
-- posters
-- notebooks
-- calendars
-- ANY office supply
-- bedding, curtains, bath decor
-- stickers
-- magnets
-- plush
-- figurines, statues
-- pillows
-- kawaii theme as well, colorful !!!
 List goes on and on, and on for us !!! Inquire !!!

Adopt a new cat or kitten today !!! SAVE lives !!!!

Celebrate !!!!!

LOVE, j !!!!!

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