Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yesterday morning,i stopped at the gas station and filled up the truck for work..who else but annoying Harrell was walking out of the store...(just my luck)...i was standing there filling it up and Harrell walked up and cut off the pump(older model of gas pump shuts off at the side)...i said:"Stop it please...i got no time today for this crap!...i got work to do..and A LOT of it...GO AWAY." he started laughing and he turned it back on,then off,then on..annoying!

so i got real mad and i said:"GO AWAY! are so annoying...!" He laughs:"'re so cute when you are mad! makes my heart melt!"....*eyeroll* he kept on and i said:"I hope your truck breaks down on your way to work on the highway and you are stranded today!" goes:"Ok,i'll see you later..but i know you don't mean all that mean's just early morning." and he smiled real big and left....

so finally at noon he wasn't there in town on time as usual at the cafe to annoy me, and everyone else...Sarah goes:"Hmm..wonder where loud-mouth Harrell is?"...i said:"Don't know and don't care!"...

at 12:45 in walks Harrell and he looks all mad and he walks right up to me and says:"You are a witch!...and i mean it..a witch Julia!...everybody she's a witch!"....he sat down by his work crew and stares at me..So Eli goes:"Hey,why're you callin' her that?"...Harrell goes:"I had a flat tire on the highway north out here..i've been out there trying to get it fixed!"..i said:"Why are you mad at me over that?!..did you call my cell for help or something?" he says:"NO!...remember this morning? What you told me?!" i totally forgot and then i remembered..I said:"So?..what does that have to do w/a flat tire?"....Harrell says:"You cursed me this morning..saying that...and Steven told me about that time when you were all at work at the shop and the UPS guy wasn't there and you said he should be and Voila'  he appears 5 seconds later...and all that other "psychic stuff" you can do!you're a psychic,a like the moon, and you have a black kitty cat too!...all witchy Julie!"...LMAO!

i started laughing and i told him:"I think you been watching too many Halloween tv specials Harrell."..LMAO!...he says:"NO.i haven't're a witch and you cast spells on everyone! Admit it!"...and the whole place just cracked up laughing....Eli said:"Well..that's's the indian blood in her...that's all...we're all kinda's a gift..not a curse Harrell."

Harrell looked at me and glared...then started laughing.."I have fallen in love w/a witch...Julia!..damn it!..stop casting love spells!"....then Eli started singing this song to me and said it's my new theme i was leaving and Harrell goes:"Where are you going?"....i laughed:"Well..i gotta go fire up my broom outside, to leave and fly back to work." everybody laughed...

sale day today..long day..xoxo

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