Sunday, July 13, 2014

vanilla pudding pies by Hostess?....where are they?!

I just woke up early this morning and had some chocolate milk..I think chocolate is good for breakfast!!!

I was thinking about all the things I like to eat for breakfast sometimes are just sweet pastry type things..donuts, croissants fruit filled things...all that stuff I like!!!...I do eat healthy most mornings but I get so sick of being healthy sometimes...a girl has gotta have some sweets for breakfast every once in a while....haha!

I'm remembering back when I was a little girl they had those vanilla pudding pies that were dipped in chocolate by those were good! My brother and me both liked those and we liked the Ninja Turtle vanilla pudding pies covered in green chocolate by Hostess too!....Haha! They were good and I always thought the colored chocolate was pretty cool and creative.....I wonder why they don't make those anymore?...I sure liked them and he did too.....things were cooler back then...they need to make those again and bring those back...oh well. they were good for breakfast with a glass of milk.

anyways, going to church this morning....I like going to church on sundays.I think going to church is very important to keep you thinking about God & Jesus and your path in life...When you go to church you keep God in mind with you and you continually think about being more like him and Jesus.I think everyone needs to be spiritual and believe in something righteous and holy.

God loves you no matter what when you love him and he will forgive you of your sins no matter what you may have done in life...when you believe in him and go to church and follow his word you will know that he forgives you of your sins and he loves you.God is all about forgiving you of your sins and becoming a better person for the world and the people you love through him.

He wants people to make the world a better place through his teachings and his word.I think God loves everyone and he wants us to love him too by following him and  thinking about going to church and doing the right thing in the world.

I got baptized in 2003 because I wanted to show God that I loved him.I haven't ever done anything bad that I wanted to be forgiven of. I just think that for me I wanted to be baptized because to me it's the right thing to do.I'm proud that I got baptized.You can get baptized anytime you want to with your family or your friends or whoever you want to get baptized with.God doesn't care who you get baptized with.You can get baptized with your family there to support you or your friends..It's a special time to be shared with your loved ones.

you don't need to dress up to go to church.God doesn't care what you wear or who you are when you love and follow him.



  1. I drink chocolate milk almost every morning for breakfast! I normally don't get a whole lot of sleep trying to stay on top of everything....good ol' chocolate milk perks up right up.

  2. Oh, I appreciate you liking my pics and commenting on them!...Thanks!
