Saturday, March 30, 2019

Fleas + ticks treatments !!!!! For ALL pets !!!

Fleas + ticks are terrible for our pets !!!! They can and will kill our pets, cause disease, blood loss, anemia, they die from the ticks and fleas !!!! Repetitive scratching of their fur because of flea + tick bites, causes swelling, blood loss, loss of fur, mange can also occur from mites, ticks, fleas, skin disease, treatments for mange also out there for us !!!!

Worm intestinal, in their interior organ / part are also a DANGER for ALL pets !!! We must be WATCHFUL for lethargy, loss of appetite, bathroom difficulty, heart failure from heart worms !!!!! Yikes !!!! Dogs and cats both can have these ailments !!!! Work treatment can be in tablet / pill form, or liquid suspension, interior the food bowls ONLY !!!!

Find these flea, tick, lice, mange, worm treatments ALL at most stores these I know of ::::::::

Dollar General + family dollar have flea tick collars, shampoos ONLY.......

These items are available to control fleas, ticks for most pets ::::::

-- flea + tick collars
-- flea + tick shampoos

-- liquid squeeze container suspension, onto pet's back / tail, USE ONLY tiny amount of these containers on cats + smaller dogs !!!! CAUTION, too much of it can cause them illness !!!!

-- treatment powders, -- for placing small amount on to pets fur topical ONLY....PLENTY brands !!! Hi - Yield a brand I use....yellow bag, use only smallest amount possible for dogs, cats ONLY.....ask veterinary about which pets this is safe for, certain pets REQUIRE individual special flea, lice, tick treatments........

-- house hold sprays for carpets, bedding, REMOVE pets ALL from household IF using these so they are SAFE until the solution dries, kennel them up, move to room AWAY from sprays, shut the door !!!! When solution dries it will should kill ALL fleas ticks life interior the home, must spray ALL rooms, use once a week IF possible !!!! To treat rid home, pets bedding of the fleas, ticks, lice, mites !!!!!

Dollar tree has the shampoos for treating fleas, ticks, but NO worm treatments !!!! Dollar General + family dollar have the flea tick collars, squeeze container liquid treatments, some have the liquid flea + tick treatments suspension !!!! AND they all have the flea + tick shampoos, use enough to lather up into their fur, wash after scrubbing their fur !!!! Read instructions CAREFULLY !!!! The liquid wormer suspension needs to be given once every two weeks small measuring spoon interior box comes with it !!!!

lather interior hands wash with water work lather interior to the pets fur, REMEMBER cats HATE taking a bath !!!! May scratch you, so have help with their flea + tick treatments !!! Wear protective eye wear, gloves !!!!! You may wish to bathe the pets ALL interior your home in your bath tub or wash tub for pets !!!! Dogs who mind you may bathe outdoors your home ONLY with proper help and know how !!!! My dog does !!!!

These brands all miscellaneous that are available in ALL the items I just spoke of !!!! Hopefully this can help you with keeping your pets ALL VERY SAFE from those evil ticks, fleas, mites, lice, mange, worms !!!! Those are EVIL I HATE them ALL !!!!! Lol.........I don't know why ANY of these bugs / insects exist !!!!????? They are WORTHLESS nasty insects who hurt, cause danger to our pets and family / friends !!!! I wish I could get rid of the ticks, fleas, lice, worms, mange ALL over the earth !!! I have PLENTY troubles with these insects / bugs !!!!!!

Here are the brands of EVERYTHING I talked of to help our pets rid of the fleas, ticks, lice, worms, mange, mites ::::::;

Happy Jack
Pro sense
Hi - Yield

PLENTY brands at these stores ::::

Dollar stores most items and other pet items you may need at these stores as well !!!!

Local feed supply farm stores often have these treatments for our cattle, dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, hamsters, ALL pets treatment available at most pet stores or INQUIRE at veterinary !!!!

IF anemia occurs QUICKLY take pet to the veterinary seek medical professional help for ailing pet IMMEDIATELY !!!!!!

Hope that helps us ALL !!! It's time for serious thought of treatment for our pets of ALL nasty parasites !!!! This time of year it is terrible for them, just insects / bugs, parasites EVERYWHERE.......

We MUST make sure ALL pets have the required innoculations / proper care of health shots just as we humans should have for us !!! Keeps diseases away, for our pets !!!! Parvo at puppy age and rabies / distemper at ALL ages the younger the better !!!!! Worm innoculations ALSO available IF at local veterinary !!!!

Take care of our sweet, cutie fur babies !!!!! Aww !!!!!

LOVE, Julie !!!!!!!!

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