Monday, August 26, 2019

2020 year calendars !!!!

New calendars are out there plentiful for each of us to adorn our walls or the desk top calendars, planner calendars as well maybe some kawaii or sanrio brand those cutesy characters !!!!

I purchase a wall calendar yearly and affix to my wall with a push pin right through the opened circle so it will be affixed appropriate !!!!

The new year ALWAYS needs to be known of the proper days, and this way we can keep up with our plans, appointments holidays, celebrations, work hours or medications we are taking, maybe days things went on !!!! Nice to write down onto the days of the calendar which day this that took place or future plans for us !!!!

Desk top calendars flat, place atop business office desks, or maybe on the wall variety of these sizes, characters, etc !!!! Very affordable as well !!!!

Calendars I see are variety of characters, art work, plain pictures, cartoon, silly, inspiring !!! Here's a few calendar ideas !!!!!::::::

-- religious
-- cartoon characters
-- animals, all
-- puppies and kittens, dogs, cats each !!!
-- birds
-- cooking some with recipes
-- fruit + vegetables
-- flowers
-- colorful Lisa Frank !!!
-- ANY Art work !!!
-- cowboys
-- farming scenes, tractors
-- rodeo
-- landscapes, beautiful pictures
-- inspirational sayings
-- each country represented
-- each state has calendars
-- customers to banks may be given calendars all sizes 

There's a variety of calendars at most stores dollar tree has PLENTY !!! Wal-Mart, target, dollar general, maybe family dollar, five below stores, Walgreen, CVS may have as well !!!

Oh, I see them EVERYWHERE !!!! Nice gift for the upcoming 2020 year !!!! OR ???? For yourself !!!! I can't believe it is almost the year 2020, how time flies........weird feeling it's that year already on the way......

Hope this is helpful !!!!


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