Friday, June 27, 2014

Human trafficking.....

One of my friends Kellie was telling me one day about something called human trafficking....I had never heard about it and she had went to a seminar or something and they were talking about it..she wanted me to know about it....I sure am glad she told me about that!

I started reading up on it because it's so spooky and evil....I wanted to be more informed about it so when I start reading up on it I realized how dangerous and real it is...There's all kinds of ways a woman or child or even a man can be human trafficked....They can follow you around and kidnap you at gun point, take you from bathrooms, run you off the road and kidnap you...and they also follow you around in stores...

It's something I think EVERYONE should be aware of  because it is evil and dangerous....What they do is they make prostitutes out of anybody they can kidnap to human traffic, sell them, rape them, murder them, and they also kill you and sell human's a world wide problem and I think every girl, woman, boy, man should be aware of it to keep yourself and your loved ones safe...I am aware of this now thanks to a great friend telling me about it...I never even knew it went on BUT it does all the time...even in Oklahoma and in every state it happens...

they work in networks of people, men and women do this to human traffic other people in stores and on the highways they will follow you and try to kidnap you at gun point all kinds of things like that so read up on it and inform yourself and all your loved ones about it...I have....

a woman can be sold over and over in this BS...I'm aware!!! good thing I've got a double barrel loaded and ready at all times and I will tell you one thing I am a good shot with a hand gun too!!!human traffickers can kiss my ass!!!....Haha!!!

they sell you with your eyes I've heard and when you look too pretty with too much makeup, or dress too provocative it makes them pay extra attention to you to sell you into prostitution.....If you ever are attacked or robbed/forced at gun point fight back kick and scream and bite if you have too or beat the hell out of them with something in your hand anything will do....mace is also a girl's best friend!!! get ya some mace girls!!!

The best thing a person can do is let everyone they love be informed about human trafficking and it goes right along with drug's really spooky and scarey....BUT when you are informed and you can help your self stay safe and the people you love...Just laugh like I do and make fun of those human trafficking idiots!!! and protect/arm yourself best way you can...gun classes, self-defense classes, and anything like that you can learn to keep yourself's time to start fighting back and kick all human traffickers in their butts!!!...they are all losers and pieces of sh*t that belong in let's send 'em I say!!!...

they work on intimidation, and they'll also pretend to be friends/and evil hillbilly kinfolks do this too.....all kinds of sneaky ways they pry into your whereabouts and your personal business..get your schedules down and where you like to go and they follow you to kidnap you with lots of other evil people....So it's always good to change up your routines and never have the same patterns with your daily

They take your pictures with cell phones and send them to other people to see you and see if you can be sold for money then they follow you around and try to kidnap you they know what you look like...that's what I've heard anyway....losers....

it's also not a good thing to put up all kinds of pictures of yourself online either that is a perfect way for them to see you and try to human traffic you so if you put up a picture don't show all of your face or just don't put a picture at all...don't put all your personal business online either...that's why I don't facebook or any of that stuff where everyone can know my every move...and everywhere I go all the time..i'm a smart girl!!!

don't be scared just be aware at all times...inform everyone you love and start kicking some human trafficking butts!!!...I know I will if I EVER have to...they better be scared of me.I will blow them away with a gun or spray them right in the eyes with some good pepper spray!!! Haha!!! I'd LOVE to do that I would laugh and smile real big at them and look them right in the eyes...that would make me happy..HahaHahaHaha!!!!!!

so sick of this crap...I gotta go target practice

love ya, Julie

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