Saturday, June 21, 2014

just be nice to everybody.....

Just woke up...can't believe its already Saturday.

I was just thinking about things this morning....I've met a lot of different people in my life and there's lots of people in this world of all kinds...When people like you and respect you. I treat them with respect right back....

Nobody on this earth is exactly like another one, which is a good thing because can you imagine how boring this world would be with so many people all alike?...That's why I don't judge people who like me and who treat me nice!!!

I know lots of people can be mean towards all kinds of different people and be racist or be hateful or won't talk to people because of things wrong with them medically...But that's never bothered me when someone is nice to me and wants to say hi to me in town or wherever or when you meet new people through your friends/family I'm always nice to everyone.

So when you've got people of all different kinds who want to be your friend or say Hi or whatever I know that they are all different than me, because nobody is ever exactly the same person.You have to respect people at all times....

I've never been gay/bi and I've never been a different race, and I've never had anything serious medically...and I've never been fat or skinny...and I respect all people even though I have never been anything that people make fun I never make fun of people unless they are mean to me and try to ruin my life!!!...Haha!!!

I feel sad for people who get made fun of or avoided because of being different and I like it when they are different because they are unique and when I see someone that likes me and wants to be friends and they are unique/or not unique of course I respect them when I find out how nice they are to me!!!

I never judge people for anything and I'm not a meanie!!!....Some people do get kind've mean to people because they are different and there's no reason to be mean or hateful to people because they are different...IF they are nice to nice right back, smile, shake their hand and go on....

Sure there are people I have met in my life I just can't stand to be around so when I can't stand to be around people because they annoy me I just am nice and I leave the room or I just avoid them...My whole theory is that if someone is nice to you...just be nice back to need to smile more and laugh more!!!

be nice to everybody....don't be a meanie!!!  

love ya julie

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