Sunday, June 25, 2017

bible school...

Summer is always a very social season, with many events and good activities to take part in...

since today is Sunday I know that one good social activity to help out with and take part with is Bible School...

I have always enjoyed helping create, plan, and organize bible school days, I attended every summer as a favorite was the music / singing, the lessons, and the crafts...all of it !

In the last few years, I helped at church with puppets, music, was very fun, and I felt that I accomplished something nice for the community, The Lord's work !

Parents can help out with the Bible school week if they wish, as their children learn more about the Bible, and the Bible lessons....they may also have new friends to meet, always fun ! And meet the pastor.

I believe starting out early, knowing the Bible, starting to know of The Lord, and Jesus, is best as a child, that way you know early on about praying, goodness, charity, kindness...strong foundation to start, and base your life onto...last all of your lifetime...

Other ways to help out if no time, and you are very busy with tending to life and you are apart of the church hosting the Bible school week,

You can donate these prepackaged snacks, refreshments all sealed :

Paper wares / straws
Fruit / vegetable trays....healthy...dressings
Sandwich items
Pizza for last day pizza party !

Many kids may have health issues, so keep a tally of diabetes, etc before the week starts....have special sugar free if needed...

Many bible school weeks have already taken place, began, others may be next month....most advertise in town, shop windows...

We always need to have responsible adults there, and they need to be evaluated first for creeper problems !....terribly scary for innocent children / keep children safe, make very sure they are taken home safely after the day has ended...Many may volunteer for this responsibility...


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