Thursday, October 12, 2017

More trash.....harassing....

I know you have already heard this b.s. in every letter, but today was another day of trailer trash harassing, nursing home trash, yelling in my head at town D - town.....

Went to see my grandma this morning, she had a terrible bruise on her arm, she says some girl was rough with her, s, kept yelling in my head that is our girls ! You're killing all of them off bitch get out of here !.......I suppose it's about trailer trash prostitutes working in that nursing home....

I see many people there in masks, I start hearing chatter and some brain wave yelling, short small people again, staring, like the others, heights change, I can tell, one must have stole my grandma's glasses, I can tell she is fake.....she changes.....but grandma said she took her glasses, she got them back........

Running their mouths off while I was there, s, screaming his friends were going now bitch leave !

Whole time I am driving or at a store he yells I am gonna kill everyone off bitch ! Yells about who must be properly working against him, they're dead, then alive, something about sterling trash hooks, Fletcher, Elgin, foster, bray, Velma, Ardmore, cement, I infuriate them going to r . S. Now also.......go figure that one ! 

At chicksha he screamed too yesterday I ruin everyone s lives in this trash mess......i just smile happily, I destroy everyone's nasty fun times....oh Boo Hoo.....wah ! Cry baby brats all of them ! Trash.

I think what has and is still going on is too much captured trash maybe dabbling in the underworld, having too much fun with sluts, drugs, fun times need to end for those losers.......I think they only do what they wish, running wild and free, in discipline, they are sick, drugged, possibly cancer ridden....they yell about all that, money our money bitch ! They, jewelry, clothes, slut stuff they scream over.....high heels, money....

Harasses me daily on my waves about my cat dying, my grandparents, then over filth, drug taking, and they still follow me trying to sell me drugs or something in the stores, I am sick of this stupid crap ! Probably crooked dea, fbi, usual....make her cry ! Make her cry ! They have yelled for years....

Screamed about Apples last night and this morning all day.......

OKlacity, still yelling about that as I travel, Nashville, Hollyweirdos, being famous, all ridiculous nasty hillbilly trash famous from hollyweird they are worshipping........since my waves have been hacked they screamed they knew all this nasty filth from out in LA, they knew, blah, blah, they worked for them to kill me Julie off......whatever that's about, all that over east again, the mansions on fire ! F you bitch !

Oh what a bunch of sad case trashy losers all of them......I don't give a shit about foo foo hillbilly from Hweird.......too much fuss, worship over those trashy butts out there in LA, pretty damn nasty + fug........I don't worship trash out there or anywhere, don't care about all that weirdness.....

Famous, don't know all them, don't give a poop......they said they eat poop and drink pee and blood out there, I'm not shocked, sounds about right......they are all obsessed about famous trash, those wackos don't know nothing, burned up on drugs.....

I have enough troubles to worry about in life and I don't need all this trailer trash bunch, just like worthless trash family hollering in my head, I am a good person I don't understand all this harassment.....

S, also needs to leave my mother alone at night, he harasses the heck out of her, nasty about sex, dressing up, surgery or something.....she gets scared, and is confused, believes lies / crap he tells her...then I have to tell her he's on drugs, harassing !....he laughs because that causes me more stress with her being confused.....

I am everybody's calmer down, try to settle. Try to inform of what the heck is real or not.....I am sick of endless questions + upsets + confusion from mom, g, grandma's.......oh Lord help me ! I am stressed and tired......I just don't know what to tell them half the time !.......

It is hard being in the middle and knowing, but not knowing what the heck to say or do.......

...he says he has to talk to us both non stop because we will die in med health that true ?......he talks non stop to me all the time, he catches other family members waves, and causes troubles, I'm sick of this......grandmas / both, and here at home.

Too much mentally ill, drug addicted, rehab, mental home asap !......  :)

I know you are busy as always, just needed to tell someone about nonsense still going's a lot of wave harassment still......I don't feel very good at all, and I am still tired, it's just too much harassment, and chatter on my waves...

Thank you for everything !

Love, julie

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