Saturday, September 19, 2015

gossip and lies are awful....worthless people..

People sometimes gossip and that is something that we all need to think about before we take part of that...Gossiping is terrible and many people tell false information on all kinds of events taking place*supposedly* and gossip about other people's business of their life.....not good.

Gossip is just as bad as lying and telling false information to the local area you dwell in, and the causes many awful things, ruins things, and causes upsets in other's lives and upsets in the world....

Lying and making up false stories about others is something that I know about, because that has happened to me many times...and I would hear many stories about myself and people would ask me things about these false stories and I would say: "No, I have never done that!, No, I don't know that person!" and than I ask who told this lie/gossip and they would say: " I heard that from so and so."

It was always a circle of people with my hillbilly mean family members, and jealous, terrible women and men from the area that I live in...many of those girls from high school also made up lies/gossip about me, ridiculed me, tried to hurt me, and I know that they did that to many other people there in that town.....and some of the boys from high school were apart of that also...losers!

It hurt a lot of those people when they lied and gossiped about them....but I know that it hurt me too, I just laughed about all the lies/gossip about me...because I knew where it was coming from...JEALOUSY and NASTY WORTHLESS people......

I just got very angry, set back and listened to all the gossip/lies about me, I wrote all of them down on paper in blue ink, and I watched them and I laughed...they all ruin themselves...jealousy ruins all people, right along with greed, and nasty behavior....

I could never figure out why they all hated me so much when I have always been very kind to all of them.....they just kept making up lies and gossip about got disgusting!...and when I am a good person and I am NOT a sicko pervert, and I am NOT a sleep-around, it was very upsetting and spooky for me to hear that kind of language and stories they made up about me or how they were going to harm me!

I found out later about a lot of things they were all apart of with my mean hillbilly family members!..i was shocked about all that! that answered a lot of questions for me about the lies and gossip that was made up about me for years and all the screaming at me, and making threats on my life....

they have lied about me and told many people whoever they could find nasty made up cruel lies about me and all the things that they said that I was apart of or I was supposed to be taking part in it was all nasty behavior they were taking part in...I laughed !!!.

They all got mad because I would not join them in their sicko nastiness and they all tried to harm me and many others for years who were not apart of their filthy ways!......the nasty things those people are apart of and the things they lie about and make up gossip about innocent people makes me mad!

I believe that God gets people for the bad things they are apart I just laugh! he takes care of that.

we should never take part in gossiping or lying/making up terrible stories about others or about anything in life to hurt terribly hurts many people and endangers the lives of innocent people as well....

jealousy is what causes a lot of that lying and gossiping and when you are a good person and they are taking part in evil they want to ruin you because you will never join in their sicko nasty behavior! so they try to find ways to hurt you emotionally/physically and bring you down to upset you so you will feel less than them and join them....

avoid those types of losers at all times...I did and they became angrier....I just kept myself away from them and the lies/gossip they would tell was more outrageous every time I would hear it about myself....all bad things eventually connect back to something else and it's all brings them all down and leads to ruining their lives!...they are annoying people!

NEVER let anyone hurt you with gossip and attention, write it down on paper for safe keeping and just laugh and go on....they will be ruined because of their greed, jealousy, gossiping/lying, nastiness, and corruption all gets them in the end.....

they ruin themselves....and then they cry about it! they always think they can't be caught up with because of all their money and corrupt powerful people they know!....I laugh!

they cry and say: "I know so and so (who is a powerful corrupt loser like me) and i will get out of this! I have a lot of money!" I always think---yeah,yeah we all know about who you know and about all your money you brag about all the time and nobody cares...(yawn) the same crap over and over...annoying/boring.....

they all think they are important and then cry because they ruin themselves....when they get caught up with they try to blame everyone in the world for their nasty behavior except themselves because they think they are so powerful and great!...haha!

they cry like babies and I laugh and laugh about how stupid, worthless and ignorant they all are!...Haha!

worthless corrupt people all ruin themselves and eventually get caught up with.

gossip and lies they make up about innocent people is just all apart of their nasty sicko games!

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