Thursday, September 17, 2015

thank yous, showing appreciation, thoughtfulness....

Many times in life we have people who are caring enough to keep us safe from all danger, protect us from all evil and sometimes even save our lives...

Those people are the kind of people you always want to show appreciation to and let them know it means a lot to you that they keep you safe and protect you at all times.....They may just have a paid occupation and keep you safe, but you should always let them know it means a lot to you that they are there and are protecting you.

you can say Thank You! to people for many different kind things, but I cannot think of anything better to tell someone Thank You! for than when someone keeps you safe/saves your life! that means a lot!....Because without their help many harmful things could happen to you and others!.....

Who knows how many times in life we have all been in danger and did not know that!...There are probably people who have kept me safe and saved my life many times!...I would always want to let them know how much I appreciate their acts of kindness!...Words could never say how much that means to me when someone is kind enough to keep me safe!

when someone is kind to you, always be kind back to them, and kind at all times to all people...I think sometimes people forget how to be kind, care, show appreciation to others, and be thoughtful...

being thoughtful, kind, and showing appreciation by saying Thank You! is something I have always been...I remember all holidays, Birthdays, I always say Thank You! (when I am able to) and I always want to be kind to people who show kindness to me and others.....

gifting others gifts is also a way to be thoughtful and show appreciation and say Thank You!.....

Just being kind to others you can change the world for the good, have new friends, and meet others who are like you....

You always want to remember special days in friends/loved one's lives, say Hello!, call and check on them, ask if they need help with something so you can help them, and just remember to be a good friend, neighbor, or a good loved one too when you are thoughtful to your loved ones!  

when you shop or you travel you always want to say Thank You! to the people in stores who check at the register, the people who help you with things anytime anywhere you may be, and people who work public service occupations always say Thank You! when they help you with something you need help with....that is kind to say Thank You and show appreciation to those people and saying that to all people is very nice to always say that when they help you....

holding doors open for people in stores and leaving stores is a nice thing to always want to achieve to help out....and when they hold doors open for you always say Thank You!......I think it is very gracious to hold doors open for others who have many items in their hands to hold or are very busy...

sometimes in life we are so busy we need to always stop for a few minutes and be kind, tell someone Thank You!, and show appreciation to all people who care enough to keep us safe, people who wonder how you are at the moment, people who love you, people who are kind to you.

just be kind.
be thoughtful.
show appreciation.
say Thank You!


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