Wednesday, December 9, 2015

crockpot roast, hot apple cider recipe.....

I was able to create a nice roast last night by cooking one in the crockpot..Today I am just placing these 2 recipes up here on my blog for fun..

I'm going to add this recipe for Hot Apple Cider.My Auntie was looking for her recipe the other day for a parade or something soon..It smells wonderful when prepared and is an old tradition this time of year...I don't really like Hot Apple Cider that well, some people really like it and others like me, eh, it's ok...but it makes me queasy because of tummy troubles! A lot of people really enjoy this recipe because it uses Red Hot candies...I like those...(Red Hots candies always remind me of my birthday in February!

Roast in Crock Pot

Remove thawed 2 1/2 pound roast from package. Wash with water. Pat dry with paper towel to prevent mess! Place in skillet with enough oil to brown roast on both sides. Then place in crock pot with quart of water(depends on crock pot size) Add salt and pepper as you like. Add 1 Bay leaf. Any other seasonings you may like, just sprinkle in however much you like. I use seasoned salt, cayenne pepper, pepper flakes, half of a medium onion or chunk it. I add peeled carrots whatever kind you want baby or regular carrots. I like to also add in 3 or 4 medium sized chunked or just halved potatoes(these are good too!) Cover with a lid for 4 1/2 hours or until tender with a fork..Boil in pan if you have no crock pot...I like a good crockpot. It makes your kitchen smell so good while it cooks especially on cold days! After it is done I remove that from the crockpot and place on a plate you can tear it apart with a fork.....I like to pour Head Country Barbecue Sauce on mine!...It is an Oklahoma Barbecue Sauce company that I always use and it is very good! serve with any side you wish. You can also make a roast gravy from the leftover broth by adding 3 Tbsp of cornstarch or flour enough to thicken to a gravy.

(Hot Apple Cider) recipe

2 quarts prepared apple cider
1/2 cup of cinnamon Red Hots candies
1 apple, slices

Pour apple cider into pan. Stir in Red Hots candies. Simmer until candies dissolve. Serve hot in mugs and garnish with half apple slices. Serves 6 to 8 people.


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