Music is something that I think is good for everyone to listen to, be apart of, perform...It can inspire you even on your worst days to feel better sometimes, and it can change your life sometimes just by listening to a song that inspires you....Songs are like poems and everyone who has written an inspiring song about real life, usually has experienced some of the situations the song is about....
Music can make you feel a range of emotions, and some music can calm and relax you....that's the kind that I like...Music can make you want to dance! and forget your troubles...
I think it is a good thing when people perform on stages, at festivals, celebrations, at community events always makes things better!
you can start your own band with extra money saved back that you and your bandmates save up...Many people start their bands with co-workers, friends, and sometimes family members....It is just something else to keep you active and out there meeting new people all the time, getting to know your community, keeping you focused on something good and you will keep busy in free time...
I like to go watch/see/support local performers at shows, festivals, events locally....and it helps your community to go and see these people....
learning to play an instrument-----will take practice and a good instructor that knows how to teach you to play, any instrument you wish to play will be ok, and you will be able to play it after rigorous, keyboards, pianos, drums...are just a few to learn!..sooooo many instruments to play!
Vocal training----I have never had vocal training, BUT some people need training, I know of others who have, and I know that it takes a lot of practice! you can find a vocal instructor and have lessons and be singing after a lot of practice....lead singers in bands, will always be needed! if you are an instrumental band, you know you just need instruments...
People have always said I can sing very good, and I don't brag on myself, I just say: "Oh thank you! You're sweet!"
Music books to train with----you can purchase music books at music stores, or find them at other specialty stores that have those in stock..they have the music written and you can follow that to play with your instruments and the words to sing the songs as well...these are good ways to learn songs..i know you can order these online too....
Practice, Practice, Practice-----you can practice with your band every week on a certain day when all bandmates are able to practice and when every one has free time after working.....BUT it takes a lot of practice to make your band work and sound right, you want to perform for people onstage and you want to sound really good! and you have to get along and be kind/respectful to your fellow bandmates...
Microphones, sound systems, amplifiers, speakers, microphones-----that are good quality will be needed so your band will have it's own sound system and equipment, and you will know how to make it work right and keep it functioning so you will have good sound quality for your band at all times....instruments need plugging/cords to power, so always be careful with that as well!....
You should mark with sharpie pen on the back of all equipment you own in someway with your band's name so you will let everyone know that is your property and it should not be stolen from you!...happens all the time to people.
A Band Name----Choosing a band name is always a task, so just let bandmates get together and discuss the name for your band....make it nice, but something unique that represents your music, and the band as a whole....
Promoting, Advertising----after you have practiced and your band sounds very good, it is time to attend and place your name on the local roster of talent to play in the line up of performers just be careful and make very sure that your band's name remains on the list because other jealous bands, performers can take your name off, so check and be sure that it remains there!
when you wish for many people to attend your performances you need to have a band advertisement online with twitter or some other form of social media and that way people will know you are performing when and where and at what time...You can also make paper advertisements and place in local businesses windows when they allow that, always ask first before taping a paper advertisement in windows....OR advertise in the local papers the same way....sometimes handing out free tickets to a few people will get your band started and promoted locally....
I know in many communities there are designated buildings and certain days at evening/nighttime that just anyone can sing/perform music at with their band...I like this!..some things are state wide---here in Oklahoma there is something called the Oklahoma Opry, but I think you have to audition for that one....but you can go see them perform....
I think it is a good thing to go out and see performances with friends and family when you are not performing is always good to keep in your life...
band merchandise----local bands often times have cds to listen to, caps, t-shirts printed with their band name on it and they are available for purchase, this is another way to advertise your music and the band you have created!...they usually place these items on tables for purchase before or after the performances...
Show support!----It is a nice way to show support to local bands by attending the shows, and purchasing merchandise they have that has their band's name on it and it is a nice way to meet new people in your community....
Go out there and create bands, play instruments, sing, learn to play instruments, learn to sing, and let people hear your music, your voice, and enjoy it!!!
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