Thursday, December 3, 2015

shelter pet adoptions at the holidays...

I believe that everyone needs to have a pet to care for and have there with you at all times always to be your best friend! I have pets and they make me laugh and smile when I am feeling depressed and upset, they are always there to greet me and give me hugs!...

My life would be so boring and I would be very sad without my pets there to be my best friends and to help take care of me when I have the blues...I always take good care of them and I am always aware about where they are, what they may be into, or where they may be trying to go!

My heart breaks because so many animals are very neglected and abused and they need forever homes...We can STOP all the animal cruelty and abuse!...So many shelter pets NEED to be ADOPTED!!! Many shelter pets have been terribly abused by stupid idiot humans! so always remember that they need extra care and extra hugs! they may be kind of shy when you first meet them, but they will be your best friend for life! many have been through terrible terrible situations in life and it makes me cry and be very sad when I think of them being abused, neglected, and abandoned!!!...*sadface*

Shelter pets, need someone to care about them and love them, probably just as much as you need someone there to care about you and love you too! there you go ! When you adopt or are gifted an animal, you both have someone there forever for you, when you go through bad/sad upsetting times or depression....just give your new adopted shelter pet hugs and talk to them, pet them because they listen to how you feel and when they bark, play, or they purr or want you to hug them they let you know they understand how you feel!....

I think the BEST gift anyone could be given at the holidays would be a shelter pet!...They bring so much happiness to your life, and they love you no matter what!...They are your FAMILY! Love and Care for them FOREVER! I know some of them can be rowdy and won't listen to you, but you just have to have patience and work with them, they can teach you so much as you teach them how to behave and listen to your commands...DO NOT ever scream at your pet or hit your pet! That makes me very ANGRY when people scream at or hit their pets! they love you and need help at all times! kind and respectful to your pets! they are a blessing.

Make very sure that you save money for their food, litters, collars, kennels, cords....they are your family and always care for them, never just let them runaway or get is very upsetting and neglectful! they depend on you for help, food, shelter and need guidance in life as to where to go and what is right! they can get into mischief easily sometimes so you have to ALWAYS watch out for them and keep them in their fenced in yard, their tie-up cords right by their outdoor home, keep their messes CLEAN..I am always keeping their messes clean everywhere...if they poop I clean it up with plastic bags or shovels....otherwise it will smell ! shoo-wee!  

AND for cats always scoop the poop in the litter box! I say! cats should always stay in your home they can become lost more so easily..mine always stay in my home...just keep their messes cleaned up!.....Hairball food is something that you need to be using if you can afford it or find it in stores, or something like Purina Naturals works very well for my older cat needs special food at times, but ya know just a hairball food or a hairball gel they can ingest works too for those pesky hairballs! they need plenty of water at all times in bowls....they need to be brushed, that can help with hairball troubles.

many shelter pets have been abused and we know this terrible neglect goes on, sometimes you may have pets for adoption that are missing eyes, have very crooked teeth, missing ears, missing paws/legs or have broken backs and cannot walk---I love them !!! I always cry for them and take good care of them! they are a blessing to your life because they can teach you so much about what it is like to be strong and be a survivor, and maybe you too have survived something terrible and you can take care of your pet and know that they are a survivor of something terrible too!...that's best friends forever right there! if they have deformities or missing eyes, or limbs that is just fine! they are beautiful ! and I LOVE them all! I have had pets like this when I was younger and I loved them so much! they are so kind and just need to be cared for and loved! to them, take care of them and cherish them at all times, they are very special pets!

Just PLEASE DO NOT EVER neglect, abuse, starve, abandon, your pets!!! AND DO NOT let them get into the roads and escape and be killed by vehicles in the roads!!!..Sadness! I cry!....I see them ran over in the streets/roads/highways/freeways and it makes me terribly upset and I cry for hours! PLEASE remember your new shelter pet adoption and be serious about your new Family member! they are a blessing! they bring so much goodness, laughter, and friendship for your life....

We need so many more people to adopt shelter pets, not just this time of year, but all year!

I know everyone needs a pet or maybe many more pets to add to your family...I have 5 pets!..just whatever you can afford and are able to properly take good care of!

You can name them whatever you wish to name them, something nice!...I think the little adoption certificates are cute and need to be given to the new family members as you welcome them to your family!

it is so sweet to welcome a new shelter pet to your family! protect them from harm, care for them, bathe them, feed/water them, shelter them, and most of all love them as your Family!


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