Monday, June 20, 2011

Tumbleweeds Everywhere!!!!..................

Still listening to Reckless Kelly..i'm on a i learned to play this song on my guitar last night...and i'm gonna work on it more later this evening...listened to this cd on my ipod last night and this song is so great it made me calm and's an awesome song!..found this video someone made for it...

also i'm in love with "Crazy Eddie's Last Hurrah"...can't stop singing it...great song..although this video i found,you can't understand the them!..i already know the words Travis!

Been working all's hot & i'm tired....we had to move some cows & horses over to other pasture today to get to water....2 ponds are drying up, so they had to be loaded up & driven to water...we corralled them by horseback then trailered them....very early this's taken all day to get fences fixed, and lead them to water down the rocks/hills....but i love my job...i'm lucky to get to have this as a job..thanks Grandpa!....sure beats a stuffy old boring city/office job!...

Of course the wind is STILL blowing like crazy...There are officially tumbleweeds EVERYWHERE!..and i'm not pool likes 1ft being totally filled up, and today it was absolutely full of tumbleweeds!..they are in the pool, yard, road, fence even blew into the truck today when the door was open...bwahaha!...that's seriously messed up....where do they all come from?! & Sarah got too hot today i guess, and we made up a stupid song about was pretty good...haha! was really funny for some should paint them and let them tumble around or something...ohh..let's glitter them!...haha....

finally got to pick tomatoes out of the garden...there's quite a few..pretty and's not summer unless you grow tomatoes....i like to slice them and put a little salt on them.....we dug up the potato plants and threw them over the fence...that's too much craziness....too many!

better get off this thing..there's bad weather blowing in looks like...clouds are building..


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