Friday, February 22, 2013

bought a Farmers' Almanac 2013....

Today i bought a Farmers' Almanac 2013.

First time i have ever actually purchased one..but not the first time i have ever seen a copy.

I was just too little and silly to care about something like that when i saw a copy.....I remember seeing a copy at my Grandparent's house and just casually glancing through a copy,tossing it aside and being completely BORED with it...Haha...because no little girl cares about reading a dumb ol' Farmers' Almanac when there's butterflies to chase....come on now!

I bought it at noon today in the feed store and met friends for lunch and couldn't stop reading it....Bwahaha!!! how the times have changed!...Everyone was saying:"Ok, Jules enough with the freaking Almanac!..put it down...hello?....are you paying attention?!"

i barely listened to them..It's actually pretty darn interesting,it's all nature/weather/moon phases/planting...tells you what to look for and to expect...and besides before you laugh about me being so interested in it,my Grandparents and Great-Grandparents farmed/planted crops and everything by the almanac...and it was almost always right on the money,according to them they swear by it...i trust them totally.

pretty spooky how it predicts nature/weather-wise i'd far the past few weeks the weather has done how it predicted for Oklahoma...i like what it holds for our upcoming weather,looks better.

after i informed those nerds of that fact,they became interested and wanted to read through i let them,and they all ran to the feed store to buy one of their own!----who's a dork now?

pretty interesting reading material...well it is to me..this is my kinda thing...i got lost reading it...haha. ;)

it even tells you how/when to plant for your garden in your area of the country...almost garden time...yay!


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