Tuesday, February 26, 2013

snowstorm 2013 no electricity.....

Finally! thank god we have electricity!!!

The electric company just finished getting the power up and running for those of us here in rural Oklahoma who were covered up in all the snow...how they did that i have no clue because these back country roads are nothing but a muddy yucky mess....lots of muddy water puddles...but hey, good for crops.take days for it to all dry up.

once again..Farmers' Almanac prediction was RIGHT....don't be hatin'! haha...

It went off yesterday at 3pm and i made various calls to other relatives who live nearby and they all had no power so i knew it wasn't just a problem here at home...

I got out candles and read by candle light and listened to my ipod that i had luckily charged up along with my cell phone....i fell asleep sometime around 9pm...then an hour later at 10pm the lights all came on!...yay! right?....but NO they went off....again...came back on at 2am...then went off....AGAIN!!!....Grr!..

i sleepily dialed the electric company on my cell phone that couldn't hardly get a signal out here(never can) and i told the nice lady that it went off...again...she said she would send a crew out.....AND.....she did---sometime an hour or 2 later i saw their power trucks up and down the roads in the dark all lit up in orange lights working on the power lines...

i fell asleep in the dark....and woke up a few hours ago...with electricity...*so happy*

I could live without power if i just had to get accustomed to it..because i like being a minimalist(sometimes).but i like my lights&utilities..


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