Saturday, January 14, 2012

glitter&confetti = revenge!!!....

Travis bought everyone dinner last friends are all soooo sweet!..i'm buying everyone dinner's on me... ;)

I get so shy when people buy me things...i'd rather buy something for them....i'd rather them spend their money on themselves..not hate when they won't let you pay them for things.....i always do that right back to buy them things and run out the door so they can't catch me & make me take their money!!!.....haha!...

money,material things,& gifts don't matter to's all the friendships/relationships that matter..not all that money stuff....i'd much rather have those amazing people,than money any day.... ;)

Who found all those tubes of confetti&glitter?!!...LOL!

Whoever found those,gets a thank you note from me!!!.because we got Harrell,Steven, & Frankie back soooooo awesome last night w/those!....Bwahaha!.....They were hanging around the sale barn all night last night...waiting on me&Sarah to get finished working...we saw them sitting in the bleachers...

Eli was there and he gave me the plastic tubes of the confetti&glitter....he said:"Use these on Harrell,Steven,&Frankie...they're going to dump water on you& Sarah when you walk out of the back door." we loaded our horses into the trailers after work at 11:30pm...we snuck out the other door and into the truck....

Luckily they were driving Frankie's convertible w/the top down--PERFECT...Bwahaha! we caught them in town and me& Sarah dumped ALL of the confetti&glitter tubes all into the convertible all over them!!!..Haha!...oops!..sorry!!!...they were covered in glitter & confetti!!!...WE WIN!

We couldn't stop laughing!!!..i giggled so much last night,i hurt today!...hope they have a fun time trying to get glitter out of that car and off of them....oh man.....they were shocked & started laughing uncontrollably too..not mad...paybacks! ;)

Harrell opened the car door and rolled out onto the ground and pretended he was blinded or choked on glitter..oh,whatever!..he was trying to stop laughing!....

we left and ran away!

Taking it easy today and resting....then going to Cattlemen's meeting/dinner tonight w/the work crew...i hope it's not real cold tonight....


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