Friday, February 6, 2015

cleaning up messes outside....

I always wake up early at 3am and stay awake most the day with an occasional nap sometimes.

Things are looking a lot better since the dozer work has been finished and all those old trees are pushed back and things look neat and clean..Those trees, some of them were so old they just disintegrated into nothing when they pushed them down...

it's funny how something as simple as dozer work on a road can change the way things look and make you when I am going down the road it looks like an entirely different road....more cheerful I think...

I get so tired of looking at messes out in the country and in town!..just trash, clutter, junk....people are so careless and just toss junk and trash out around the country roads in ditches and around their homes in the country and in's just ridiculous to not want things to look nice and clean!

I always want to keep things picked up around the house and I do not ever have clutter around the house or outside..if I see trash out there I will pick that mess up and throw it in a trash can...or haul it off to a landfill!

People are the ones who make messes and keep messes going outside and in their homes and on their land....they are very neglectful of their own property and it just takes some effort to keep things neat and tidy...and keeping your house painted when it hasn't been painted in a while will also help it look cleaner....that's if you don't have house siding some people don't, some people do have siding...

getting rid of old dry and dusty vegetation around your house and landscaping on your own if you have to, is something that I think needs to always be kept have to continually work at beautifying and keeping things tidy at your home, in your home, and outside on your property...

I just hate seeing clutter around houses and old junk lying on the ground or old machinery around on property or in yards...haul that metal junk off to the landfill or sell it for some money at a recycling center for junk iron or something....

something else that I do not like is whenever there are old houses that are abandoned and falling in and look pitiful, you know, dilapidated housing that is vacant and falling needs to all be dozed down and cleaned up...there's no need for all that mess, clutter, and mold those old houses have in them....they cause all kinds of problem....

whenever you get rid of all that junk and mess you can feel better about the nice changes on your property and near or in your home....plant new vegetation and make it pretty!

I just get sick of seeing messes like that on properties and near homes!'s just rather lazy and careless to not tidy and keep things clean and orderly all the time on your property or in your home....

things look so much better when they are taken care of and kept tidy!..people see your property and they think it looks nice and they know you are taking care of what you own....I appreciate seeing cleanliness outside or in's just good to be taking care of these things..

so get out there and clean up those messes!...haha!


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