Saturday, February 21, 2015

walking for exercise, cowboy cards...

I have been walking everyday up to the top of the hill on this property...Walking is my favorite exercise along with lifting light weights for my upper body work out...You can buy those most places to exercise with...

When I exercise I take along my Mp3 player to listen to my favorite music or a hand held radio if you can't find an mp3 player to exercise with...You can listen to all your favorite kinds of music on the players and that way it motivates you to walk, run, or jog.....

the weather has been better and that will allow me to walk and not get sick in the chilly temperatures and cold wind....I take my dogs walking with me on a leash sometimes when they are behaving!...haha!....

spring will be here soon and it will be awesome weather to walk and exercise in.....I like to wear my sunglasses when I walk outside and I wear sunscreen....

I take along a bottle of water also and before I walk I always take my needed allergy medication as should anyone who needs there medications.....always be careful to start at your own pace and not over exert yourself because that can be dangerous for you!...

Also when it gets very hot in the summer I always know that I need to be careful that I don't get too hot and dehydrate!!! I like to walk in the mornings early in the summer and when I am in the hot weather I always drink plenty of water and an occasional Power-Ade or Gatorade so I won't dehydrate....

wearing proper shoes is also something to make sure you have to exercise can purchase walking shoes most anywhere and some are fairly inexpensive in all colors....I always tie my shoes very well because I don't want to fall and injure myself because a shoe lace made me fall...I am very clumsy!...haha!

I took Goofball walking with me on his leash the other day and he saw Stormy the calf out in the pasture and he had to go see her and they touched noses and gave each other kisses!!! was cute!..she wanted me to pet her and she licked my hand!...everybody say "Awwwww!" was adorable!...I think she likes living out there in the pasture with her other cow friends!

I saw some Leanin' Tree cowboy cards yesterday...I have always liked those cards to send or give in presents because they are basically Western Art cards...the scenery cards look just like paintings and I really think they are beautiful....They have very funny ones with jokes on them and serious ones as well....I like all cowboy that's why I always buy those Leanin' Tree cards....they're pretty...

love, j.

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