Friday, November 14, 2014

work on being happy....

Sometimes life can seem like it will never get better in all situations that we all go through, but I always like to think that things will get better and they are going to get better....

I've been through tough times in my life, had my feelings hurt, had my heart broken, been betrayed by people who I thought were my friends and also had rotten family members who have hurt my feelings and ruined things for me, but I keep going on with my life without them after they have treated me that way, who needs them! through with them! kicked to the curb out of my life! haha!

everyone goes through bad times or sad times that's just life so instead of being upset and giving up in any situation I trust in my faith in God to get me through it and I work on my outlook of I look at the future...You can look at the future in a good way or a bad way...I think that if you think bad thoughts about the future and you are upset all the time and don't ever try to think good things will happen then I think they won't ever happen and life won't get better if you think that way...

I know that in my life whenever I think about the future or I think my way through a bad time or bad feeling and I say: "Hey Julie things are going to get better just keep thinking about it getting better!" then that way I can uplift my bad feelings and turn them into good happy feelings and work my way through being upset, sad, depressed or being disappointed about things in my life...

I know it has to be the way it is right now in the present situation but I have hope and faith it will get better.

I mean hey, that's just normal everyone goes through that kinda thing! so whenever you realize that you are not the only person who goes through bad thoughts or disappointments it's not that tough to get through...

it's all about training your thoughts to be more so happy and looking to the future in a happier way..i know that's very tough to do sometimes but I trust God to get me through everything and I pray a lot about things...also reading your Bible is a way to get through bad times...Faith is something that I think everyone needs to get through bad times and bad feelings..

if you can train your mind to think happier and to train yourself to laugh more I think that is a very good thing for you to always try to laugh through bad times and think happier about bad things the best way you know how to...sad things are awful and life is full of awful sad things but it's also full of happy things too and I think people seem to see the sad and awful moreso and focus on that in life like on the tv...

it's stupid to focus on sad and awful when life is also full of laughter, good things, good people, and silliness as that's something I like to always do is laugh and be silly to get through sad or awful times..and find good people who can make me laugh to share my life with!!!

they say:"Oh, she laughs all the time, what is wrong with her??!" and I just say:"Why are they always so hateful and frowning all the time??? why aren't they laughing you know?!" I just laugh at people all the time when they pick everyone apart when they seem to have it all and they keep frowning all the time and saying that about me!!!..they have the problem not me!'s called being jealous and that's their problem.

I mean, these people have more than me money wise and materialistic people like that who worship money and jewelry, etc.... Those kinds of greedy people are never happy, so when I go around with hardly anything and I laugh about things and work at being happy and laughing...they seem to make fun of me or say something is wrong with me!!!....Haha..I just laugh because I know what matters in life and I know how to be happy because you know why? I'm a good person...not greedy or jealous..

all these things like jealousy, greed, evilness or bad things, they all ruin people's lives and make them bitter and unhappy so I stay away from those types of people and things because I do not want that in my life..I want to be a happy, good person and have a better life that is wonderful...So when I work all the time on getting through bad times or sad times I always tell myself things are going to get better and most times they do!!!..

you just need to stay away from jealous, evil or greedy people to be happy and don't let them into your life because they will set out to ruin things for you...and ruin your life....

But if you have people like that in your life you love and care about, who love and care about you also, you need to help them think differently and be happier, kinder and laugh them think happier about their current situation and their future....and help them to be a better person!

always try to work at being happy and laughing more...think about better days that will be on the way when you think good things and have a good outlook for your future and your loved ones future...

because you can't go around sad, mad or upset all the time!!! Laugh more and turn that frown upside down into a smile! and make good things happen in the world so more people can laugh and smile in the world!!!

love, j.

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