Friday, March 4, 2016

eating disorders.....snobs cause it.....

Often I think about many people I see who I know must be starving themselves....They look as if they may pass out and are very weak...

eating disorders need to END.

Too many times throughout life being a girl, I have watched almost every girl I have ever know struggle with eating disorders, anorexia/bulimia, starving themselves to look like idiots in fashion magazines that tell them they have to be the perfect size, look perfect and have a body type just like some drugged up, eating disordered model that is way to sickly skinny, staring back at them from a too expensive fashion magazine!....I'd never purchase one of those!...worthless trash....

I don't give a damn about fashion..waste of time and money! they all say: Oh, I have to have this purse and tank top for $5000/a piece, and this stinky perfume for $500, and starve myself to afford them and fit in them!"....all that too expensive, boring, ugly, designer labeled BS they talk about all the time needs thrown in a fire and burned up! cares! sick of hearing about it all, on tv, or out of their stupid mouths...*eyeroll*

I would never waste money on a stupid designer purse or designer piece of clothing like they all do!..stupid.....material things are a waste of money, they could use that money for something good....people are barely getting by in life to afford to live, and they waste money on $5000 materialistic crap like that!....idiots. they make fun of others who cannot afford those designer crap labels, and wear them...annoying.

people should wear whatever they want! and they should enjoy whatever they want at the dinner table or restaurant...everybody needs to enjoy meals, and when you go have a meal, get whatever you want to! don't obsess over what is on your plate and set there and count calories all the time, too many stupid girls have done this I have seen it all..annoying! I have had friends do this and I have seen other women do this at restaurants--they will order a very tiny piece of something and set there and stare at it, oh I can't finish this!, flip their hair back , count calories on their cellphones and leave......*eyeroll*....they are all too obsessed about crap!...

There are young girls/women who are constantly made fun of for their weight at school, at college, at stores, at work, and most times it is those snobby girls/women on drugs with severe mental issues..obsessed with weight and fashion..*eyeroll*..who stupid..sick of it all!..

i could care less about what someone eats, what their weight is, what they wear, what they look like, looks don't matter!...I just don't give a damn!, never have, never will....those snobby girls/boys/men/women all need to wake up and realize the next time they want to ridicule others because they are not the perfect size according to them, that THEY themselves are a joke...they need to look in the mirror and see how nasty they look behaving that way, and starving themselves!....haha!..I laugh at all snobby high society types, who look their snobby nose down on others because they have less money and aren't their perfect starving size body type!...and won't do drugs with them...losers.

Women, girls, boys, men..all suffer from eating disorders...Men sometimes obsess over their looks and have been called is very upsetting that so many people suffer from obsessing over their looks!....Who cares what a person looks like!...I don't!'s a waste of time and a waste of money trying to emulate some idiot or listen to an idiot somewhere else tell you what you should look like! stupid and annoying....sick of all these people obsessed with how someone looks and how someone dines at a noon meal...who cares! *eyeroll* must be a sad life to treat others that way, and a sad life to obsess over a meal....and to obsess over how you look or how someone else looks...

People need to have meals and they need to NEVER starve themselves, you can always have healthier meals with more vegetables and fruit if you want, but we should NEVER set there and tell others they are fat, they eat way too much at a noon meal, or whatever meal....sure, we don't need to overeat all the time, but NEVER stop having meals and start starving yourself!!!..

all sizes are beautiful and no one is ever going to be perfect enough for those stuck-up snobby elite crowds who are all on drugs and want to ruin lives and hurt people...they're all evil....just don't listen to them and don't care what they say about you..they are all evil and messed up on something all the time!

I have seen so many girls have their feelings hurt by being bullied over their wright, body type, and they way they enjoy a's happened to me also because I am not the perfect size 4 they all think I should be...I am a curvy girl, I exercise, and I just don't care about starving myself to look like a drugged out whore like they all are! obsessed with purchasing $5000 purses and dresses, and loud stinky perfume.....they all look nasty and unhealthy because they look malnourished...

sure I know there are some people who are naturally very small and that is just fine, but with my experiences these mean biaaatches that tell everyone they are too fat or need to starve are self-obsessed drugged out skanks...who do bad things to people...I don't like those types of people.!!! I will never ever talk to those types of  snobby evil people!..can't stand snobby people who look their noses down on others who are poor, who have weight issues, and who are different!...everybody is equal! nobody is better than someone else....

most people cannot afford to purchase all the exercise equipment, go to a gym, and they cannot afford every over-expensive health food item out there to I think it is rather stupid to stand there and make fun of others who will never be able to afford all that crap, and stand there and make fun of others who have a different body type, because hey, not everyone was born with a very tiny frame body type...

I'm happy that all people are different body types, different sizes, different skin color, enjoy different things in life...nobody is exactly alike and we should never be copies of others..

be your own person, don't care what stupid others think about how you look and how you enjoy a meal, and NEVER let snobs tell you that you are not beautiful the way you are! TELL them they have the problem not you! if they say something mean to you? just say--" OH really!?...have you looked in the mirror lately at how awful YOU are?!!!" then roll your eyes and stay away from them.....


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