Wednesday, March 16, 2016

spring clean-up....

Spring season officially starts in a just a few days...

i purchased a small adult coloring book that is for spring, it is very cute and fun to work on, i had to travel to Hobby Lobby to find and coloring pencils because the local stores only have a few small now i have a few more different coloring pencils..i saved my money for that, it is very much a stress-reliever to color these adult coloring books with the coloring pencils.....i also purchased a small word search book for $1.....

We have got the lawn mower out and the weed-eater,we checked them and oiled them, placed new plastic cord for the weed-eater....So many tall vegetations on the lawn....I enjoy spring clean-up, hauling off old brush piles and placing them into trash bins in plastic sacks...

using the lawn mower is always fun to me, because I listen to the head phones for music, while I mow and sing always pay attention while mowing if you are close to the road!!!.....when not using the headphones, I just wear ear plugs to protect my ears so I won't lose my hearing!....

I see many people sacking up old dried leaves left over from the winter and picking up trashes and taking them to the trash bins in sacks.....Thank goodness for Hefty and Glad trash bags! brands, I purchase those too they work just as good, i like cleaning up all trashes....

soon I will be planting the vegetable garden and trying to till or turn up the dirt with a shovel....I am planting many vegetables and seed packets in a few days hopefully...

i want to purchase many flowers and plant them soon or grow them from the seed packets...i enjoy spring clean-up and watching many beautiful things grow up from the dirt where i have planted or sewn them! is fun and wonderful to put that dirt to good use and make it very useful and abundant with beautiful flowers and vegetables for food!

PREPARING FOR CANNING IN A FEW MONTHS-----after they have all grown and been picked i will be canning in the sealed jars i like Ball or Mason jars brand if i can find them, i still have a few jars left over from last year....I will be planting Black-eyed peas (with snaps when canning them) I will make pickles out of the cucumbers and Mrs.Wages canning/pickling seasoning, i will can tomatoes for soups and tomato juice, and make salsa, maybe pickled beets i don't know for sure, green beans i can those also....

in others news---Stormy(my calf that i raised on a bottle) having her first baby!...we have placed her closer to the barn and that way, we can watch her and make very sure that she has no trouble giving birth...i am  thinking about what weather-related name i will name her am nervous about her having her first baby! i raised her on a bottle and i cannot believe how much she has grown in the past few years and NOW she is having a baby calf! aww!


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