Wednesday, March 23, 2016

irrigation pipe / wheel move....washing vegetables / fruit from store...

Sometimes when you are a farmer you need to have water taken from other sources to water your crops that are dry, and far from a water source...

Growing up in Oklahoma, being apart of a farming family, I know all about irrigation pipe and wheel move...I know that it is a complicated process often and takes a lot of mechanical work and evaluation to get water piped in from other areas to water your crops....

I like to watch it roll across the field in the summer!... ;)

You have to have a motor that works well on the equipment and a good water well source from deep under the ground, and always make sure that your water is CLEAN and free of nastiness!.....icky! There are many types of irrigation pipes, motors, and wheel is a genius invention for the many vast fields that need tending to! saves time and helps you to grow crops properly....

vast fields of crops always need a lot of work and making sure that they are free of stupid weeds that harm the crops is something you have to always treat, because they will ruin your fields, you also can use tools and walk the fields to rid them of weeds and other annoying vegetations, I have walked many rows in the peanut fields for years using tools to get rid of weeds...a lot of walking miles, and hot weather!.....

making sure crops are watered properly is always something that has to be completed...I know in many areas water may be stagnant, but it can be filtered and purified with solutions, so always use clean water to irrigate your fields/crops....

many people have taken ill because of not washing vegetables from the fields, and maybe sometimes nasty water has irrigated the crops, just awful!....Too many people have taken ill from unwashed vegetables from the fields, sometimes, animals will get into your fields/crops and poop and that will contaminate your on the top soil need to always be cleaned and need clean fresh purified water to help them grow....underground vegetables need to be washed also...

as with everything in life, farming/agriculture always needs to be cleaned and purified to keep everyone safe from the nastiness of contamination.....

taking ill from purchasing a vegetable from a field DOES NOT need to be happening to people....foods all need to be cleaned, washed, and evaluated before they are taken to market or goes on too often with vegetables from the field to the store, and people NEED to ALWAYS WASH all vegetables, fruits, and other prepackaged salads they purchase...

I always wash my fruits/vegetables, and IF I purchase a prepackaged salad or spinach no matter what kind of leafy green for salads, I make very sure I wash it all in a colander then re-package it in a plastic Ziploc bag...then place in refrigerator...even if it says pre-washed I wash it anyway!...


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