Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Money is not the most important thing in the world.......maybe some day everyone will understand that.......!

People fuss, become overly jealous, obsessed, greedy, have evil intent over money, all people do is fight, yell, hate about money !.......they have their priorities all wrong !........very stupid + annoying, bratty behavior of all ages......

People have screamed at me my whole life about money, I don't even have ! Crazy !......I go to town and purchase an item for $ 1 ?.........they scream that it costs $ 100 !........very ignorant, stupid......weirdos !.....

Then they scream : You bitch ! We will make a whore out of you !........i become very upset + angry ! Then for many years I just have had to laugh at their stupidity, I stayed angry over this trash !!! : They are all nasty people, messed up in the weirdo nasty mind ! So damn annoying + creepy.......dangerous ! Sick in the damn head ! Messed up terribly forever on drugs.....hate them for trying to harm me all the time........I keep on fighting them, screaming, harassing me !

All that annoying evil trash following me, ruining good things for me, hurting my feelings, calling me names, all over being jealous about money I don't have......and because I am a good person, not involved in their nastiness / corruption !

The snobby big wheel trash, worthless people screaming at me from OkCity, to everywhere......haha !.......I just laugh at them, they are all fools, they ruin themselves because they worship money, power, greed, evil, and worship themselves !......just laugh at these idiots !......they are also obsessed with over expensive materialistic items.....all trash everyone of them, trash with or without money, when they behave as this !!!........damn ! They are annoying cry baby brats, everyone of them, needs to be gone !

I know that when money is in evil hands with the wrong / evil intentions, that they enjoy destroying the harmless / innocent, cute, simplicity, goodness of the entire world.......they ruin everything + everyone's lives, then want everyone to know how very wealthy, powerful, important they think they are.......tired of this b.s......

They worship only money, and when you are such a fool as this, greed consumes you, destroys your life !.........we need to only be worshipping The Lord above.......money is not the utmost high above ! 

Money should never be wasted on vices, drugs, addictions, or nasty trashiness !.........I believe that money should be used to end evil + end corruption all over the world, to end the evil others ways, ideas, items, they have created...

Money should be given / used for only goodness / greatness, pay bills, expenses, care for loved ones, items needed to survive, to help out only those who try to survive, only of goodness....

Money should destroy + end all of the ways ideas, of evil in any form, to stop all nastiness ! Then create only better, good, bring back simplicity, better ways.......too much excess we don't need to be worrying about, worshipping, materialistic, labels, over expense, just unneeded b.s.......haha !

What matters most in life are the simplest things but these are the most important :

Love, Family + friends, pets, home.........when you find these, you have found your treasure ! :)

I know we all have to have money to live, and believe me, I know what a struggle it is to survive with expenses ! I know what it is like to be without money, shopping affordably, living within my means, I never have to have the best of the best, or the most expensive, I never have worshipped materialistic items......who cares !........I know what is most important in life !

Always remember that money never purchases happiness....you have to search for that with goodness.....

Money is good to have, but only when used to help bring goodness, start over new, clean up evil + corruption, end pain and suffering ! Create new / better ways / ideas for the world......

Save money, live within our means.....society is too obsessed with expensive purchases, it gets out of hand, people so messed up they will do anything nasty + evil for over expensive materialistic items......stupid + idiotic !......come on ! 

People need to understand that, all this kind of crap they fuss about, worship is unnecessary, they need to be down sizing their purchases, forget over expensive items, labels, you don't have to have those to survive, who cares ! They have their priorities all wrong ! Morons !

Just remember we need to live comfortably within our means, far better things to purchase necessities to just get by.......take care of loved ones, pay bills, work endlessly to have a better life, save money, go without useless crap we don't need.......oh, who cares about all that unneeded over expensive junk people waste money for to fit in with the snobby evil big wheel trash.....!


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