Wednesday, October 15, 2014

allergic reactions.....

Wish they had a lot of healthier grocery store chains nearby that would have all the different healthy foods to buy that are specially made for different ailments like diabetes, wheat gluten allergies and all those various things..i just want healthier grocery shopping options..I have no food allergies that I know of other than raisins, cucumbers and brussel sprouts!!! Haha! I don't like those.

food allergies are something that I have always watched out for myself because I do have allergies to a lot of things like soaps, plastics, dust, smoke, ragweed, cedar trees...I think I have a sensitive allergic reaction to quite a few things I think even yellow jackets wasps because when I have been stung before it makes a whelp and rash...kind of scarey but you need to always pay attention to your allergic reactions to all things it can be dangerous for you.

I have asthma and allergy problems a lot and I take an inhaler for my asthma so I can breathe and not cough all the time...asthma affects your breathing and it is basically a lung problem I've had it all my life but just I think in the last year it has came back...that's how it does many people it goes away and comes back.....but I know I can help control it by taking my inhaler and medicine.

whenever you have allergic reactions you can have rashes and whelps on your skin from touching certain things you are allergic to like soaps, trees or getting stung by insects you are allergic to...It's nothing to be scared of you just need to be cautious of what you are allergic to and pay attention to how you feel and of whelps or rashes on your skin....also wheezing, itching, and coughing are other symptoms that I always watch for.

I've never smoked but I am very allergic to smoke in rooms or at houses I've been to...all of my life I've been allergic to that and it's very dangerous for my asthma and allergies....

I don't think anyone needs to be smoking anyway because it causes cancer and second hand smoke causes cancer as well...very sad and scarey...I don't judge people for smoking or anything I just can't be around it....

I've had allergies my whole life so I've always been aware of allergic reactions...

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