Wednesday, June 17, 2015

appreciate kindness.....

Went to Atwoods (store) to find a few items I needed for my beet pickling episode #5324272 billion...haha! will take me a while to get all this beet pickling done and it is a lot of work....but it will be completed, trust me!...

Whenever I go into a store I always want to be kind and courteous to all people and today I held the door open for a man who had a cart full of things and they were in the way, so he couldn't see the door.I stood there and was nice and held the door open for him..he said thank you.

it's a nice thing to be kind like that at all times..and I want them to know when they are nice to me that I appreciate everything anyone ever does nice for me....whether it be something like holding a door open for me too, or saying hello, saying thank you, or just being nice when they are a clerk at a store, or nice to me anywhere...I always want to tell them thanks, and I appreciate your kindness!

appreciating all the good kind things people bring to this world is the right thing to do.....when you show appreciation for dedication and tough work, it means a lot to the people working an occupation....

everyone needs to know they are appreciated for the good things that they bring to the matter how small or ginormous!...haha...

so I just always take time to say thanks or thank you...or hold doors open for

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