Friday, January 27, 2017

don't believe every story you hear....

Too many people believe stories they are told or hear...I think that whenever you are told so many tales, you need to think about it first, it could be just gossip/lies.

I know many times, for many years I have been told outrageous stories about this, or that, or something very outlandish.....too many weirdos and people who have problems, out there telling me many stories in fact, with two sides......well, I often don't know which to believe, so I just don't believe either, til I have proof or hear something officially!......

Bad stories, upsets, awfulness, are generally easier to believe, because that's how my family's lives have always is terrible, but it is easier to believe the bad because I have seen n heard so much of the bad stories to be true in my life, so much sadness out there!

Being apart of a messed up, terrible family group can cause you to be upset, never have much hope for good, and to easily accept the worst, and constantly expect it is upsetting..

Often throughout my life people have enjoyed gossiping, and telling awful stories, lies to me about people I know are good people, and when I know not much about others, I don't know the truth about what is or isn't ya know?...because I don't even know them....

Too many stories/lies out there, too many to worry about.

I tend to have always just listened and been constantly confused about what is true or just gossip, so I forget it and go on.......who cares anymore right?......too much other junk to worry with in life ! when I hear something officially I will believe it.....

Jealousy is often the cause for people confusing me about others and spinning stories to tell me.....seems as though people always tell two different stories to me and then I hear several am confused constantly, I suppose they wish for me to be.....

Mostly I hear bad stories, and that this or that is dangerous to me, or they are bad people.....I stay on alarm a lot, and I am forever guarding my heart or myself from pain/hurt/danger because of the constant hate/danger near me at all is difficult to believe any good tales/ I say who knows? about any story I am told...I have been told so much....some end up being true about others, some are out right terrible lies! about others....

I have been very tired, stressed, upset, and ill for many years now and I often don't feel well enough to try and figure out some puzzling stories about others I am told....I just feel so lousy most days I forget those stories/tales and just try not to believe anything I am told.....confusing! And I am a very tired person.

Let's not forget all the gossip I have been told people say about me all the time!......haha.....I will be asked about some outrageous story going on about me taking part in this or that, and I become upset/angry about how nasty a lying story about me is!......and then I just laugh, because I know that is nasty jealous others spinning tales again!....Oh, I didn't know I was that interesting!......haha.....I stay alone and near home mostly on the farm, I don't take part in anything nasty or hillbilly family has done all that!.....haha....I think I am a very boring/nerdy person.

But anyway, don't listen to gossip, or tales that people spin, believe it when you see it yourself, or it is official....too much garbage talk and I just don't care to worry over it, especially when I am told many different tales with about a zillion different sides to each one....too confusing to even think about especially when I have been so very tired and ill for many years....who cares about gossip mess!

I just think it is best to NEVER believe gossip, NEVER spin tales and gossip will come back to you worse about you in some form....

People wanna tell some nasty made up lies because they are jealous trash???......well, we will just tell some true shit we have heard on them.....haha! They all know they are trash and I am NOT !!! Haha! Anything I tell about them is TRUE!....they all know they are sorry as

I hate it when people believe stories/lies about people they have NEVER met, and don't even know!.....I have heard many nasty lying stories about myself and others.....good grief people are jealous!.....whew! they need some mental health help.....Know someone before you stand there and run your damn mouth off with lying gossip about them!

Jealous Trash??? = lying nasty gossip!


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