Thursday, April 20, 2017

brr ! cube houses....

Purchased two grand sized bags of ice cubes for freezing at home....sure is nice for the hotter weather days !...I have to have ice cubes in my refreshments, to chill them, and in frozen icy margaritas ! favorite....

I like the icy frozen beverages, very soothing on the hot weather days....purchasing grand sized ice cube bags is more affordable, to take home, less driving to town for more ice cubes, when purchasing two grand sized bags !

Ice cube houses are needed everywhere I think, those hotter climates definitely could benefit from them....drill water wells for water, deep underground, pulls water up, into the ice cube machine....I know many dessert areas may not have any deep ground well water, but maybe they could bring water from the seas / ocean, desalination, bleach, bring into the ice cube machines !.....oh it would be great for everyone to have, everywhere.....

They keep cool run from electricity, but if no electricity, maybe solar power would keep them running, then keep them cool with power from sunshine ??!...who knows ?!? Maybe someday all can have electricity, all over world with solar, wind, or ocean water power....renewable resources are needed to create electricity for all over the world....I think this would and can help our world be a better place....

Clean water that is purified / bleached is needed for the ice cube houses, and for drinking all over the world this is needed for people to be bathe we need clean waters also for baths + showers.....maybe bath house that one can bathe in at a time, would be helpful....also.

Ice cubes are nice for refreshments, and to assist in sprains, bone / joint pains....I have this problem in summer, I place a plastic bag of ice cubes onto my ribs / sternum area when they are painful during summer and swell something terrible...hurts.

I place ice cubes into soups, or hot teas when they are too hot also, cools them down...

The ice cube houses locally are nice and a grand sized bag they create interior of the ice cube is all machine, no people working there, so they have to be monitored, properly working, but these machines are nice to create the bagged ice cubes !....they are just $ 2 / a grand size bag of ice cubes...nice.


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