Sunday, March 18, 2018

bubbles !.....

I had much fun yesterday ! I purchased some bubble solution, and was blowing bubbles in the wind outdoors !   :)

It is an old traditional activity, for all ages to purchase + enjoy........very affordable also !

The day was rather sunny, the wind was blowing and I held out the bubble wand from the container and the wind created the bubbles itself they blew everywhere, very shiny + pretty iridescent color from sunshine ! I giggled about how nice that

The bubble wand is all sizes interior the bubble solution container, creating all sizes of bubbles.........very fun to watch + enjoy......

The bubble solution containers are all colors, shapes, sizes, very fun to purchase a variety + affordable.......some scented also.......variety of bubble solution.....

These are available at all stores.......I have enjoyed bubbles since I was a child, very fun, always plentiful, everywhere.   :)

We can all enjoy blowing bubbles everywhere, even as adults, bubbles are fun activity to enjoy outdoors, rather calming, stress relief, for all ages....

Never drink the bubbles solution !!! Very harmful......! Danger !

I have also seen the bubble machines that are nice for celebrating, these are neat, all prices !!!

Nice activity we can all afford, watching the bubbles float on the breeze.......haha ! I giggle about how much fun that is, something so simple + old traditional, on most toy aisles in stores.......

Often you may find bubbles in two packs or four packs I have seen more for everyone to take part with.....

Go purchase a container of bubbles, enjoy the sunny weather outdoors together !!! We all need to have fun like this more often with bubbles, kids, adults, elderly !

Love, Julie !

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