Tuesday, March 13, 2018

happy + hopeful, through bad days.......

Everyone becomes frustrated, tired, wish to give up often on things in life changing, becoming much better, I know we all are faced with troubles, bad days, upsets that never seem to end !

I have felt this way many years faced with crap in my life, never seeming to cease........that's just how life is they allow say, and hey, I know it could be much worse, not complaining !

I hate being upset, worried placed in chaos, stress + worry I become exhausted of.........health problems don't help things neither......

I am just normal, I have upsets, depressed days, cases of the sads often, but I never give up.....

We have to learn to adapt to our surroundings they say, be patient, never stop trying to be hopeful + happy......

Being happy we all must work on.....

Happiness is never simple to acquire, you have to work toward being happy........this is often difficult to attain ! Lol...

Being hopeful, knowing things will change, don't give up after tireless efforts fail, things can be setbacks, ruins, but we have to keep trying, keep working toward hope.........know that things can / will change, be better........can take a few days or a few years, we must know that......

Smiling through the sadness, crying, upsets, anger, all things causing us turmoil........we know this is life, we can choose to roll around in our misery, become depressed deeply stay there, Or we can choose to laugh, smile work through our dark days to happiness........and keep walking forward, away from those upsets, bad emotions, chaotic situations......

Things in life can become bad, then eventually go back to normal.........we must keep trying !!!

Know that you are not the only person suffering illness, terrible situations, chaos, we all have been here.........that's life !

When we try, life will become better......keep fighting through these dark depressing days......

Be hopeful !


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