Sunday, March 23, 2014

i wish it would thunderstorm....

I WISH it would rain so the pastures would grow for the cows...because I am getting so tired of this look down at the ground and it's March and I think, I don't know if it will grow and be green again....BUT you have to think that things will get better soon and don't give up anything in life.

I remember the last drought there was no rain and that was the worst year with it being so hot and rain....and I was wanting to get a few cows then and I was down about it because I thought I wouldn't be able to have cows because of no rain...AND my Dad told me:"Things will get better....things change....they won't stay the'll get cows....all you need is 3."

I like it to thunderstorm but it hasn't done that yet!!! That's one of my favorite things is a rainy day and a thunderstormy day...I sleep best when it does.I wish I could pay a rain cloud to rain or Lightning...I love it to be Stormy.I love it when the sky is Blue.

Love you nite nite!!! :)

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