Thursday, March 20, 2014

rehab and addiction....

I was just thinking about people who have drug addiction and how much I want them to know that it's ok to cry and be upset.Crying is the best thing anyone can do in a rehab facility and to know that your family and friends will love you no matter what you have done or been through in life.

Family and friends are the best thing to get you through recovery..I'm sure at first it is tough and a little stressful but you should just know that your family and friends love you and are very proud of you for being strong enough to go to rehab......

And going to rehab for the people you love is the BEST thing a person could ever do..Because it proves to your loved ones that you love them that much to toss away the drugs in exchange for a beautiful life with your friends and family!!!

who needs those drugs when you have people who adore you and love you..when all you need is that love not an addiction to something that will never ever numb your pain...A person can heal their pain with  all kinds of things like love, music and art..which is what I think a person should get lost in!!! That is so much more beautiful than a drug that will eventually kill you...Music, art, and love are all a person needs to survive.

Drug addiction or any kind of addiction is caused by pain in someone's when you feel sad you should get lost in your family,friends, music and art!!!that's far more wonderful than a yucky old drug!!!

I feel so sad for all the people affected by drug addiction and I hate how it makes people feel so's time to throw back the curtain and get lost in the beauty in the world instead of a stupid addiction to something that will NEVER make you laugh or smile like it's real...drugs are fake and phony and not real..BUT Family,Love,Music, and Art are real...that's all that should ever matter.

I think people should have hobbies like music.painting or anything that they like that isn't harming themselves or anyone that is just something beautiful that they like to do....Taking care of animals or reading or anything like that..playing music is another..or even journaling..which I think is good for people to do..

I am so PROUD of anyone that I know or don't know to go to rehab and get cleaned up!!! I will always be there for anybody who needs someone to help them in this darkness...There's so much in the world to see and experience than sitting there wasting time with addiction.

It takes time and patience but you will get through it..just know that God is always with you and so am I. I love you Daddy.


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