Wednesday, February 24, 2016

severe weather season is near.....

With it being storm season, I am thinking about how I need to be prepared for severe weather that occurs....I always have a severe weather safety plan to keep me safe...

Being in Oklahoma we know all about tornados, flash flooding, rain storms, hail storms, and terrible windy weather....AND we know we should always be on the lookout for severe weather occurring then know when and where it may appear, and how to keep safe....

I love weather, I am a weather nerd!...I also like listening in to the storm chasers following tornadic thunderstorm cells....and the local weather team reports/ I watch NOAA weather and I look at the radars there online....I can follow the storms there and see where they are moving and how intense they may be....

One thing I have always wanted to go see is the National Weather Service(NWS) in Norman, Okla....I like that it is located here in my home state!.....I'm all nerd about weather gadgets/equipment, anything weather is very interesting to me...

I have always been fascinated by the weather and how it all works...I enjoy watching thunderstorms form and collapse in the sky...I always look at cloud formations and how they build, form storms, and then sometimes collapse quickly...very beautiful...

I will forever have to live somewhere where there are thunderstorms, rains, and neato clouds....the colorful skies/clouds/storms with the sun in the background look like paintings they are so beautiful...

we always have to take weather seriously and keep ourselves informed at all times so when you are travelling or going outdoors you know what to watch out for, how to dress, how to drive in harsh weather events, and how to keep yourself safe....

weather radios are good to have at home--Sometimes if I get bored i just turn on my weather radio and listen to the local weather station talk on and on......Haha!......I think everyone should have a weather radio----you may have to program these for your local area, follow instructions manual.....I keep mine in my will ring loudly and alert you, then tell you when there is a tornado or storm in the area...I like rings for a lot of things, other types of alerts, so it will tell you what is going on in your area...

other weather radio equipment will let you listen in to the storm chasers....they're always travelling and they are finding tornados, sometimes they don't find any, but it is exciting to watch the storm chasing teams on the highways and I think you can go storm chasing also, but it is have to be prepared to be excited and a little scared!

I have seen tornados from the highway driving home before, and I have sort of almost been in a tornado before....spooky all the sounds and then the aftermath of it's path was upsetting, cars in trees, people crawling out from under bridges covered in mud....emergency vehicles everywhere...a few people died in that we always need to be prepared for tornados and severe weather....

storm shelters that we place in the ground help keep us safe and they need to have grand sized storm shelters underground in all towns in tornado prone areas, so all people can be safe.....

not many people have storm shelters so you can always remember to:

Get as low as possible, completely underground if you can

Put as many barriers between you and the outside as possible..

As far in the building as possible, away from windows/outside walls, in as small of a room as possible, cover your head with something, they said years ago use a bed mattress or many pillows to cover your body/head...and to get into the bathtub and cover yourself with a bed mattress....

there is information about tornado safety everywhere...when the tornado is approaching, quickly begin your safety have to watch the local tv weather teams, and listen to what they say and the weather radio says....then whatever they say to do, you listen to their warnings on tv/radio...when driving, local radio stations sometimes give reports on the weather...

I know that it gets very exciting in the weather rooms for the local tv stations, because of everything going on during severe weather season!....

severe weather is very exciting to me, and I know it is a scary situation for many, but you just have to be prepared and know what to do when it approaches.....

I enjoy the local weather team's severe weather preparation program it is very informative and a great way to learn all about the local weather in the area...they also have severe weather lectures/seminars at the schools to inform is a wonderful thing that they do that for the public...

we always need to be thankful for our local weather-men and weather-ladies....

I love weather.

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