Sunday, September 14, 2014

cancer centers need help everyday....

One of the things that I know touches pretty much everyone's life is something bad called cancer....I hate cancer! I wish they had a cure for it and could eradicate cancer everywhere!

People need to know that there are great cancer centers everywhere in the country and I'm sure they need all the donations and support they can get with all the people in the country having been touched by cancer some way in their life....

So many people have trouble affording treatments and paying bills and I know that it is very stressful and difficult to get through someone in your family or even a friend being affected by cancer in some way and even worrying about them all the time then hoping and wishing you could help them pay for their always takes lots of prayer!

I think that cancer centers are something that we should always keep in our thoughts and prayers and keep thinking about how they need money and donations or even to go to cancer centers and hand out nice cards or send flowers to people there just to make them smile.....

because I know it is very overwhelming to get through and work through and I thank god every day for great cancer doctors who really care about people and help them with their diagnosis and surgeries because they are very special and important people..and intelligent people too! :)

so I would wish that everyone could always make sure that they think about the cancer centers, the cancer patients and the great cancer doctors and keep them in your prayers and think about how you can help out with donating money or donate your time in any way they would need you too if possible....

it makes me sad and I always think about ways we can all help out...It's just the right thing to do to help make the world a better place!

cancer centers need help everyday.


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