Tuesday, September 30, 2014

children's hospitals and homeless shelters.....

Being homeless has to be one of the saddest things I think...I know how lucky I am to have a home and I think of all the people who have lost their homes from floods, tornados or just by not having the money to afford a home...or sometimes they just make mistakes like all humans do and lose their homes due to bad choices....like drug activity and those various mistakes like that...

I don't ever judge people for being human and making mistakes like that because nobody is perfect, only God is perfect....they should just follow God.....and be like him.

I think sometimes people get lost in life and whenever they get lost they make those bad mistakes and sometimes people have no choice they are just born into problems and issues like being homeless or abused.People need to be aware and be thankful for all the good and great beautiful things they have in their lives and count their blessings!!! always think of people who are homeless or in a bad situation or people who are sick..

i think people should make donations to help those people in need like the homeless shelters and the children's hospitals so they will be better for all people who need them and do not have any money to live on or survive on....

things like donating food, blankets, clothing to homeless shelters and money donations are always great things to give to homeless shelters and children's hospitals because they need those things because so many people are in these situations....it's a nice thing to do to help those people!

also I think that food banks can always use money to purchase food to give to needy people is another way to help out.....

all of these places also need volunteers so that is also a way to help make the world a better place!

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