Thursday, January 21, 2016

makes you stronger....

I often think about how mean, disgusting, snobby, and annoying many people can be...

I hate how those types of people are pushy, bossy, keep people down to the ground, and try to ruin things for those who are not in their clique, or like them....

Nobody is better than someone else and those people like that think they are above others and better than everyone, these people are also very annoying and know everything they think!...*eyeroll*

I cannot stand those people at all, and I have in the past had to be near these kinds of people, all I can say is that when I do not have to see, hear, or be near them life can only get better! know that there are many people who feel the same as I feel about those types of annoying, evil, snobby, uppity people..

People who try to knock others down and suppress them are nasty, evil people, you cannot let those types of people keep you down or make you be someone you are not, they all want everyone to be exactly like them and let them be the boss of everyone's life, it's all about money, attention, and ruining others lives so they can be controlling over everyone and everything....I hate those pieces of sh*t! you have to fight back too survive these people and always believe in yourself to be strong..

a person should not give a damn what the hell those losers think about your or anything, just because they have their clique and their followers they want to intimidate those who are not apart of their evil doings.....I have seen this my whole life with all these idiots near here and in my crazy family....

it feels as though, you have no voice when they are all near you and people are following them and obeying them more and more, it's as if they let these pieces of shit own them, and turn them into their evil co-horts, nobody will ever tell me that I am going to go along with their BS evil ideas and control me to be apart of their nasty games....

I have constantly fought back and learned to play games on them to keep myself safe, a person has to think smart and constantly think many steps ahead of them before they get to you and you have to be ready for them and anything evil they may try to do to you.....I know I have had to, to keep myself safe.....those kinds of people are constantly thinking of evil things to plot and plan every second of the day...they're all about money and greed....anything evil to get money, they don't care who they have hurt or have manipulated!

I get very angry and I have got a terrible temper because of all the pieces of snobby evil shit that have ran things near here my whole life(like the hillbilly kinfolk) I hate injustice and corruption and when you are surrounded by that crap your whole life it makes you a very angry, stressed person who fights back..these people are so damn annoying!

once a person has constantly been ridiculed, belittled, harassed, annoyed, suppressed their whole life you learn to fight back at all times and I constantly have my guard up to keep myself safe, physically and emotionally, I have learned to be a tough person because these people and the way things have been in my life have all made me this way, so in a way I can say to those pieces of shit who have hated me my whole life and have screamed at me my whole life: Thank you pieces of shit for making me a tough, strong individual and it has made me a fighter so I can survive and go on with life when everything has looked bleak and hopeless.....i win!

all the constant pain, all the stress, and all the chaos changes you and makes you a different person, for some it wounds you, for others like me it makes you that much tougher and that's what i am because of this BS my whole life with these nasty people.

when you are suppressed like this, and kicked about by others you become angry and it creates a fire within you to get out there and fight back against these evildoers and "kick ass and take names" as I like to

they belittle everyone and ruin everything, so i like to laugh when i think about those things happening to them!....Bwahaha!


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